Travelling inland, near the town of Mata Mata, we visited the incredible movie set used for the The Lord of the Rings films. The movie set was stunning in its detail and construction. Further south we stopped at Rotorua, known for its thermal activity. The smell of sulphur permeates the town, especially around the lakeside and at the Maori tribal lands. We enjoyed a traditional hangi (meal prepared under rocks using the thermal heat from the ground) and a cultural night. I was elected Chief of the tourist and had to face an advancing warrior who – thankfully - presented me with the fern leaf as a symbol of peace. I even got to practice my Haka. Wellington is a small and attractive city that, in 2015, celebrated its 150 year as the official capital of New Zealand. We were greeted and royally treated by two ex RUC officers: Mike Norden is Chair of No 4 Region IPA NZ and Phil King – they both emigrated in the 70’s and 80’s – were joined by Phil Jones and Christina Jones. We had a memorable night out at a local hostelry. They all imparted their collective local knowledge with many suggestions of where to go and what to do, such as the funicular railway, Weta Caves and the Te Papa museum. This can only be a snap shot of the 5 weeks we spent in New Zealand. Aotearoa is the Maori name for the country and translated means the “land of the long white cloud”. It’s an amazing country, beautiful scenery, friendly people and by using the IPA travel forms it is absolutely true “strangers are only people you haven’t yet met”. Why not contact Section New Zealand and help celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2016. It’s a long way to go, but definitely worth it.
The NZ fern commemorating the ANZAC Gallipoli campaign during WWI cut out of steel
Stephen Hilditch Northern Ireland, North West Branch
Section New Zealand Friendship Week 9 – 15 October 2016 Rendezvous Grand Hotel, Auckland Full details available from Section New Zealand www.ipa.org.nz
To find details of accommodation across New Zealand, available for rent to IPA members, visit: http://www.policeassn.org.nz/about-us
Mike Norden, Frances and Stephen Hilditch, Phil Jones, Phil King, Christina Jones
POLICE WORLD Vol 61 No. 1, 2016
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