IPA News
Congratulations! David Stamp of Sussex Branch and Steve Roberts of City of London and City of Westminster Branch received a copy of The Great Train Robbery after a competition in Edition 4, 2015. Their names were pulled from the hat.
Memorable Scarborough Event Scarborough Branch was proud to recognise the long membership milestones of some of its members at a Membership Recognition. The Branch also recognised some of its longstanding supporters or friends of the Branch who because of individual circumstances
cannot be members but who have nevertheless supported and attended Branch events and functions over many years. After a delicious high tea in Seamer Memorial Hall, 3 Region’s Chair Karel Simpson was on hand to present each Member and Friend of the Branch with a framed certificate. Amongst the members receiving certificates at the Reception were Robin Brewell (50 years), Richard Moore (40 years), Ken Dale (40 years), Judith Smith (40 years), Babs Martin (40 years), Keith Hughes (30 years), Della Cannings (30 years), and Ann Bennington (20 years).
Some of the members receiving certificates are still very active in IPA circles whilst others are not as active as they would like to be. Some had been active when they were younger,
having very fond memories of IPA trips abroad having forged long standing friendships with overseas members. Chris Charlton Scarborough Branch
Region 11 Says Thank You to Adrian Adrian Boniface is well known throughout the IPA and on it was with great pleasure that I presented him with a “Lamy” pen set from 11 Region at his home. His wife Sheila was presented with flowers. She has been of great support to Adrian in his various IPA roles. Adrian joined the IPA in 1970 and took up his first Regional post in 1974. He has held Regional posts including Chair and Secretary of 11 Region until March 2015. Following the presentation, Adrian said, “ I can only say that having served in various posts within 6(4) Sub-Region and later on in 11 Region, I have thoroughly enjoyed this time doing my best for the Association and making friends with so many people.” Dave Stamp, 11 Region Vice Chair
Support for Air Ambulance is flying in! The passionate support of Avon and Somerset Branch’s Committee’s towards the Dorset & Somerset Air Ambulance is clearly shared by several Branch members who have done their bit to boost funds. At their golden wedding celebrations, John and Maureen Weeks raised over £800. Peter Willan raised a further £260 from guests at his 80th birthday party. Fund raising stalwart Eileen Girdlestone has run a number of charity stalls - the last being at her home that raised a further £357. These individual efforts are additional to the Branch efforts and we like to think that they arise because of our Branch links. Recently, another couple of members were telling me about their visits to the yellow collection deposit bins found in many car parks throughout the Branch’s locality. Clothing, fabrics, bedding and other materials all help the cause. What can we say but “Well Done” to our Branch and members – keep up the momentum as the ambulance needs every penny to keep it flying. None of us know when we may need to use the ‘chopper’ to save our lives of a nearest and dearest. David Read, Avon & Somerset Branch
POLICE WORLD Vol 61 No. 1, 2016
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