Stephen Crockard and Steve Connor were awarded a Silver Medal from the IEB. Stephen Crockard said: “I feel pleased and honoured to receive this award and I shall continue to do my best for the Association and my fellow members.”
A Gold Standard Award has been made to Section UK for its Website - for a third year in a row. Gold Awards also went to Australia, Austria, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, New Zealand, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland and the USA. Speaking at 2015 IPA World Congress, where the Awards were announced, International Executive Board member Stephen Crockard said, ‘I take the view that this is not a competition but an assessment of competence’.
IPA HQ undergoing repairs
Section UK owns a magnificent HQ building in West Bridgford, Nottingham. Part of my portfolio as National Treasurer is to ensure this flagship building is maintained to a high standard. A number of repairs had to take place during 2015. It had been decided to replace the windows in the building at a total cost of approximately £10,000. Unfortunately, during the year a leak developed in the roof and repairs to it took precedence over the windows. The work on the roof was completed in July at a cost of approximately £7,500, including a 10 year warranty. Work on the windows will take place in stages. I can report that two windows in the office of the International Administration Centre were replaced during October at a cost of £2,200. Fred Boyd, National Treasurer
IPA World Congress XXI Cyprus by Vice President Ronnie Dukes & Treasurer Fred Boyd. T his year’s World Congress was hosted in Limassol by Section Cyprus and was followed by an optional Friendship Week.
that there should be no unauthorised disclosure of names and addresses. Report of Assistant International Secretary General (AISG) – Stephen Crockard Stephen gave a review of the previous 3 years. He commented on staff changes at the International Administration Centre (IAC) in Nottingham. Although their old email address is still active he advised of the new email address: iac@ieb-ipa.org He complimented archivists Phillip and Vivienne Powell on the work that they had done at the IAC. He introduced the International website webmaster Andrea Quattrini (Switzerland) who gave an informative presentation about the website, links and social media. He referred to the use of Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Google+, You Tube, Flickr, Instagram and Pinterest and recommended linking Twitter with Facebook. Some of the links that he highlighted included www.twitter.com/@ipaiac https://we.archive. org/web and the Information Newsletter: www. ipa-iac.org/newsletter The Report of External Relations Commission (ERC) was presented and accepted. Mick Luke collected an award on behalf of Section UK member Steve Connor for his contribution to the ERC.
Pierre-Martin Moulin, International President opened the Congress. This was followed by attendees standing for a minute’s silence to reflect on those members who are no longer with us. In his introduction he reflected on the past and commented on a vision for the future. This would involve rethinking of the structures of the IPA and the IEB; new check list with strategic plans; documents being tidied up and improvement in communication; a development plan for new Sections wanting to join; membership rules; the relevance of social media; Chairs of Commissions to produce strategic plans, determine projects and select participants He reminded Sections that if they needed support, not to hesitate to ask the IEB or other Sections for it. He also raised concerns about unproductive internal disputes: friction; and power struggles, advising that these should be avoided and resolved as soon as possible. Pierre-Martin was impressed with the current programme and activities at Gimborn and encouraged more use by Sections. Report of International Secretary General (ISG) The ISG commented on the IPA information guide which is updated electronically monthly and circulated to Sections. He reminded everyone
The Congress was attended by our President Mick Luke and two observers, Vice President Ronnie Dukes and Treasurer Fred Boyd. Also in attendance from Section UK was Stephen Crockard who was standing for election in a new role as Head of Administration. During this Congress the positions on the International Executive Board (IEB) (replacing the Permanent Executive Board (PEB)) were to be contested and elected for a four year period. There were several items of the Agenda that our Section had proposed, including hosting future events. On the first day, delegates, observers and friends, many in uniform, attended the opening ceremony. This included several welcoming speeches and musical entertainment. It was an opportunity to meet everyone, renew acquaintances and be introduced to new IPA friends. The obligatory group photo was taken from a rooftop to try and get everyone in it. That afternoon the business of the Congress commenced. All Sections with the exception of Mozambique were in attendance.
POLICE WORLD Vol 61 No. 1, 2016
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