SAN FRANCISCO P R I D E by Garth Minton; Chair, BTP Branch
In January my friend Imraan Sathar, a fellow IPA member belonging to BTP branch, mentioned that he and a few other mutual friends were going to San Francisco in June. I wanted to visit SF myself for my summer jaunt and so it seemed like the perfect opportunity to link up with his group.
Garth Minton and Cameron Coulter swap hats
I wanted to do something a little different whilst in the city, and so with a few months to go I used the IPA network to contact Calvin Chow, the president of USA region, who lives in the SF area. Calvin was a great help, and when I expressed an interest in joining the SFPD’s LGBT Pride parade he wasted no time in making the arrangements for us. June came and on a biblically rainy day we flew for sunnier climes, custodian helmets and tunics safely stowed in our luggage! We spent a few days taking in the sights before starting Sunday with a breakfast at Mission police station, where we were met by Capt. Teresa Ewins who was to look after us for the day. We were also introduced to other police officers who would be marching in the parade, including relatively new recruit to the force Cameron Coulter. We all chewed the fat about the differences and similarities in police work on both sides of the Atlantic before we were briefed by the local Captain, and along with a contingent of FBI agents we boarded a street- car bound for the parade route.
officers (including the chief of police!) as well as members of the public. Imraan even bumped into a former Chief Superintendent from Avon & Somerset police, proving that wherever you go there’s usually a Bobby not too far away! The parade itself was a fantastic occasion; it was great to see the city turn out in support of the LGBT community and also in support of its law enforcement personnel. Both our jaws hurt from smiling for photos by the parade’s conclusion. Later that evening I finally had a chance to meet Calvin and thank him for all his efforts in accommodating us; we were invited to a private party laid on by friends of his which was a real family atmosphere with home-made Mexican food and guacamole. We exchanged a few gifts with Calvin and made plans for reciprocal visits to London. Without the IPA, none of this would have been possible. I think what stands out most was the intimate and friendly nature with which Imraan and I were treated. Our group were all invited to Calvin’s former patrol partner’s place for another party! The sense of returning to the UK having made so many new friends was quite unique, and I’m reminded of the key driving force of friendship behind our organisation every time I think of the trip.
We managed to brave the heat which was stifling in our tunics and helmets! The start of the parade was taken up posing for photographs with lots of
L to R Garth Minton Calvin Chow Imraan Sathar
POLICE WORLD Vol 61 No. 4, 2016
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