Paderborn Twin David Tetlow The German City of Paderborn and Bolton, and their IPA Branches, are twinned. We had our most recent visit to Paderborn during their festival of Libori in July. O ur connecting train to Paderborn was crowded with very good natured German students on their various ways home from university. Unknown to us at that time two of our group were unable to board the train and we arrived at Paderborn without them. Fortunately from then on things went very well. We were met at the station by our German friends Klaus Kruger. Laurenz Bunse and Martin Schilp who conveyed us to our Hotel. Our two missing friends joined us about two hours later. The next day (Sunday) We were invited to a service at Paderborn Cathedral (Dom) by Father Michael Bredeck the pastor, who seated us in a very privileged position in the choir stalls. The fact that we were there was mentioned by the priest during the service, and afterwards he invited us into his private quarters for drinks. On Monday we were taken by our friends to Haxor Grund, a large park on the outskirts of Paderborn where the more energetic of us walked several miles through the park and where we enjoyed a continental style lunch which lasted all afternoon in brilliant sunshine. 70th Anniversary Airborne March Spike & Helen Elliott of Cheshire Branch took part in the 70th Anniversary Airborne March, in Oosterbeek Holland, on 3 September. T he Airborne March is organised by the Police Sports Association “PSV Renkum”. It is to honour the memory of over 1700 British, Polish and other allied soldiers and airman who gave their lives for the liberation of the Netherlands, during the Battle of Arnhem in September 1944, fought by the 1st British Airborne Division and the First Independent Polish Parachute Brigade. The march is also to remind the post war generation of the sacrifices made for the restoration of democracy. The official start takes place after the playing of the last post and a minute’s silence. The routes lead past important locations of the battle, firstly the Airborne Cemetery, then across the landing zones and drop zones and via places where heavy fighting took place then past the area where a last stand was made during the retreat across the Rhine Our participation was organised by IPA Nederland and we were part of an international team with members from Germany and the Netherlands. We made new IPA friends taking part in the walk. There is a choice of 4 distances 10, 15, 25 & 40kms, with the majority of people taking part in the 25km route. The Airborne March is the largest one day walk in the world with over 38,000 people taking part. The date for next year’s event is Saturday 2nd September. For further information on the walk visit www. airbornewandeltocht.nl (click the flag for the English version). If you would like to be part of the IPA Nederland group contact Jaap Taal on president@ipa-nederland.nl Spike Elliott , Cheshire Branch Vice-Chair
On Tuesday we visited Wewelsburg Castle which was used by Heinrich Himmler as SS Headquarters during WWII. This was an emotional visit for us, as it was also the site of a huge concentration camp. The following day we were invited to Paderborn Police Station where we met the Police Chief Andreas Kornfeld and his Executive officer Manfred Muller. We were given a tour of the station. After which we were taken to the firearms range where we tried our skills with pistols. None of us had been firearms officers during our service and our skills were average at best until the turn of Neil Baldwin who managed to graze his thumb from the recoil. We considered sending for an ambulance until he decided that a wet wipe and a small piece of sticking plaster would suffice. All in all we had a great visit. We have been to Paderborn on other occasions and the Paderborn officers and families have been to visit us. The twinning arrangement has meant that Karl, Klaus, Martin, Laurenz and others are not just colleagues from abroad but have become our good friends and I recommend twinning arrangements to any branch not yet so committed.
Malaysian National Police Museum Last month my wife Helen and I visited Kuala Lumpur on our way back to the UK from Singapore. Whilst wandering around the city we came across the Malaysian National Police Museum and couldn’t resist a visit. Malaysia is not an IPA member nation but all the same Police Officers and policing is much the same wherever you go.
POLICE WORLD Vol 61 No. 4, 2016
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