
Cutlure Corner

Are you On Time? Can you help Sean Hannigan be On Time? Vice President Sean Hannigan who holds the Cultural Portfolio needs your help to Be on Time . Y ou may have noticed that over the last few months the IPA Web Site has been updated with new content. Sean needs your help with part of the Web Site which reflects Our IPA History. The IPA Time Line should reflect our own IPA History and that is where your help comes in. Sean is looking for pictures, documents and information about events that belong to Individuals or Branches or Regions. These items should help build up a great Time Line for the IPA. Most Branches and Regions have experienced their own 10,20,30,40, 50 and even 60 year anniversaries. Sean is looking for pictures or documents or even a short paragraph on the anniversary event or other event like early town twinning or branch visit to another IPA branch perhaps outside the UK.

Members Day Members Day 15 December 2017 is already well under way and Vice President Sean Hannigan is looking after the event as part of his cultural portfolio. S ean is delighted to announce the following activities which will be included during the day. • An opportunity to meet our three IPA Staff Members; Michele, Cathy and David. • The usual spot prizes and raffle in support of the IPA National Charity the Police Roll of Honour Trust. • Opening the IPA archives by the National Archivist and his wife • A light buffet lunch. • Announcement of the Winners of two cultural competitions. • The unveiling of a unique plaque which honours Arthur Troop by Vice President Yvonne McGregor. • A presentation of the first ever digitised recording of our founder Arthur Troop being played. • An informal get-together of Friends and Family at one of Nottingham’s finest restaurants. The day will start at Fox Road 1200 to 1700 and the restaurant meal will commence 1900 for 1930 More details will be made available closer to the time of the event. If you wish to attend Members Day please notify Michele Rai via email or telephone asap in order to establish buffet requirements and intentions with regard to the evening. Please contact Sean Hannigan at

Sean, staff and guests celebrate Members Day


POLICE WORLD Vol 62 No. 3, 2017

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