Professional Development
IPA members from Germany and Austria at the Pyramidenkogel
and … Vespas?
Red, white and green Vespas mark the Italian side of the border!
We also visited the Pyramidenkogel, a spiral tower constructed entirely of wood, which sits on the hillside overlooking the lake. The views from the top were stupendous, only matched by the thrill of helterskeltering down from the top reaching 20 mph on the way down. In between activities we weren’t allowed to go hungry or thirsty. Each time we reached a new destination our hosts fortified us with Marille, the local schnapps distilled from apricots. The hospitality shown by our Austrian friends was second to none. The visit was a great opportunity to meet up with old friends and make new ones. And it won’t be long before we see our friends again as 12 members and partners from Cambridgeshire travel to Wolfsburg to take part in their friendship week this August’.
POLICE WORLD Vol 62 No. 4, 2017
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