

The Returning Thank You Roger A Falkingham , West Yorkshire Secretary In 2014 Region One member Euan Forbes produced two special battles of Whisky to celebrate the 100th birthday of our founder, Arthur Troop. Due to conditions beyond Euan’s control, these special bottles had to be hand delivered. On hearing of the specials, Section USA, magazine editor, John Thelen who lives in Colorado Springs made enquiries about purchasing two bottles of the 25 years old malts. D ue to restrictions on distribution the whisky could not be exported . In June 2015, West Yorkshire Branch Secretary, Roger A Falkingham in company with his wife Helen were intending on re-visiting Colorado and Wyoming to meet up with old friends. Roger spoke with John and told him that he had no objections to carrying the limited editions specials in his baggage in 2015. John then contacted Euan and purchased two 25 year malts. Roger then discovered the delivery system and that Euan and his wife Sheena were to stay in a hotel near Nottingham and suggested that in true IPA friendship that the couple stay at the Falkingham household just outside Leeds.

Roger at Grannies Heilan Hame Euan giving Roger the special whisky

In June 2015 Roger and Helen journeyed to Colorado and visited John Thelen and gave him the two bottles of whisky. The whisky was later auctioned to provide funds for a murdered Police officer’s family in that state. As a way of saying thank you in true IPA fashion, Euan and Sheena Forbes offered space in their home in Aberdeen should the need arise. Roger, who was a founding member of the IPA motorcycle group had planned to ride the famous NC500 route around the Highlands of Scotland and subsequently this was to be the first two weeks in September 2017. Roger and Helen set off from their home near Leeds and rode firstly to Crossford on the north bank of the Firth of Forth, then up to Aberdeen and spent two nights with Euan and Sheena. They then rode north and followed parts of the NC500 route which included the famous John O’Groats; mainland Britain’s most northerly point at Dunnet Head and the beautiful Applecross bay. They rode south and spent a night in Falkirk visiting the famous Falkirk Wheel and the Kelpies (which were manufactured in Yorkshire). Arriving home safely after ten days and 1703 miles.

Roger presenting the whisky in Colorado Springs to John Thelen

Roger presenting Euan with a gift to say thank you

The Falkirk Kelpies

The Falkirk Wheel

POLICE WORLD Vol 63 No. 1, 2018


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