
IPA News

A tribute to RAF veterans Lawrence Wright No. 8 Regional Chairman Members of IPA (Cambridgeshire Branch) had the opportunity to visit three important historical collections in October during a visit to Royal Air Force Wyton near Huntingdon. The visit was hosted by branch member Tony Ansell, a staff member at the station heritage centre. RAF Wyton ceased activities as an operational flying station in 1998 and is now the home of the United Kingdom Joint Forces Intelligence Group. The station operates under strict security and one of the treasures tucked away behind the barbed wire and concrete blocks is the station heritage centre. The centre, which is open only by appointment to approved visitors, is dedicated to the history of RAF Wyton; Photographic Reconnaissance in the Royal Air Force, and the history of the famous Pathfinder Force which operated from local airfields during World War Two. Between 1942 and 1945 The Pathfinder Force lead Bomber Command aircraft to their targets, placing target indicators and leaving only when the job was done. The centre collections are made up of uniforms, medals, badges, aircraft components and a host of other items from local aviation history. As well as experiencing the life, times and service conditions of the countless servicemen and women who have served at RAF Wyton, there was also chance for members to view artefacts from the Holme Fen Spitfire excavation which took place in 2015 at the 1940 crash site near Peterborough and to see many other recovered items from air crashes local to Cambridgeshire.

Northamptonshire Branch Meeting: November 2017 Alex Thompson Our branch meeting was held at the Sywell Aerodrome near Northampton. The airport opened in 1928, and during WW2 was used as a RAF Training establishment. It houses an Aircraft Museum. At 11am our members observed a silence in memory of those who died in the wars. It was very pleasing to welcome our oldest branch member, 92 yr old Derek MARTIN. Of course, no visit would have been complete with the Branch photo - taken with the Station ‘Gate Guard’, the preserved Photo Recce Canberra Aircraft XH170, which sits in silent tribute at the main entrance to RAF Wyton. IPA Groups interested in visiting the collections can obtain further information by contacting the RAF Wyton Heritage Centre Visits Co-ordinator by email at Thanks from the members attending go to Tony Ansell who made this trip very interesting. “The collections were started in 1996 as a tribute to RAF veterans who served in the Pathfinder Force during World War Two” said, Tony. “From there it has expanded to include items from the rich RAF history of Wyton and surrounding areas, recognising the contribution made to photographic reconnaissance and acknowledging the respect that the Royal Air Force has enjoyed in the local community for one hundred years”

Ian Wilson 20 Years of IPA Service Mike Vince , Branch Treasurer At the IPA Thames Valley Branch quarterly meeting held in the Royal British Legion Club, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, Chairman Kevin Goodman presented the certificate to member Ian Wilson together with the 20 year loyalty pin badge. Ian originally joined IPA on 22nd January 1969 with a membership number of GB 36668. A police posting from Newbury to Slough in 1975, his membership details were lost in the move and forgot to do anything about it. This may be due in part to the euphoria of getting engaged and then marrying his police officer sweetheart Maureen. Fortunately for IPA, Ian managed to re-join in 1997 and was allocated a new number.

Derek became a member of the IPA in 1962. During the meeting coffee was enjoyed, some members also stayed for lunch It was another good turnout and the branch is going from strength to strength.

POLICE WORLD Vol 63 No. 1, 2018


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