Working on your behalf
Working on your behalf What will happen in 2018 for you as a Section UK IPA member? Well firstly you are receiving a very warm welcome from me as President to the latest edition of Police World together with wishing you and your family a happy and successful 2018. Secondly, a sincere thank you for renewing your IPA membership once again.
A s to what happens from there during the coming year it is somewhat down to you. If I can use an example from the workplace it’s about the National Executive Council (NEC) giving you the right tools in your tool box to do the job you are tasked with. If you have the wrong tools or are not trained in how to use them then it becomes significantly harder to achieve a positive outcome. So how does this equate to the IPA I hear you ask? Empowerment to all members will enable you to have the ability to recruit new IPA members. Likewise in order to retain you as a member we need to ensure we satisfy you with regard to the current services and benefits that the IPA has to offer so that they have value and meaning to you and your family. The how is by once again offering free enrolment in 2018 for new joiners which hopefully removes a number of barriers to the hard sell as it is at no cost or detriment to them. ‘Try before you buy’ is the theory. It is about driving out inefficiencies of how we have previously operated so now our staffing model at HQ is able to deal with the calls to service from members both at home and abroad in a timely and efficient manner. That your annual dues are used to the maximum to drive member activity internationally, nationally, regionally and at branch level as well as within our ever growing Special Interest Groups. If you are not aware a percentage of your membership is returned directly to Regions in March of every year. In addition further money goes to support the Iconic Events strategy and the Member Journey initiative.
The NEC also began to debate the format of future NCM’s as for the first time in 2018 there will be no elections which presents opportunities as to how we operate and organise these weekends in the future. Any suggestions are most welcome. Looking further ahead the 20-in-2020 methodology was presented as a discussion paper during the meeting. This includes a time scale for decisions to be made by and has been circulated to all office holders. The aim is to host twenty major events. Once again any ideas around events and activity are still wanted to help us celebrate what I hope to be a fantastic year. To conclude the staff at HQ and the NEC has tried to push as much news out as possible on our media channels with regard to events and member opportunities and ask that you continue to submit your articles into HQ and the Editor so that we can showcase your activity. Please don’t forget his can be done pre-event to attract attendees and equally important is to fill out the events tab on the website as early as possible once your event date is confirmed. This enables extra publicity as well as covering the event for insurance purposes.
A proportion of your money is set aside for ‘Member Opportunities’ where the Section receives invites to attend various events across our Professional, Social and Cultural portfolios and members are given the chance to represent the Section. During 2017 there were some excellent examples with trips to the USA, Poland, Serbia and Romania amongst others with the news stories to back this up as to the wonderful experience they all had. Investing your money for the future is an essential part of our planning especially with a number of key international events on the horizon over the coming years which starts with the International Youth Gathering this August where money has been already been set aside to support this venture. As another example we have also commenced our planning for our 70th anniversary year where we intend to hold twenty major events in 2020 across the Section. Open house at HQ in the afternoon for members and friends followed by an evening meal at a local restaurant. A number of dignitaries have been invited as well to help us celebrate the occasion. The NEC look forward to welcoming as many of you as possible so if you can attend please book in via the staff at HQ The International Youth Gathering which we are to host in 2018 was discussed in detail and is led by Vice President Sean Hannigan. The excellent programme proposed will give a mix of professional, social and cultural activities for the two weeks for those who attend and the NEC hope to see a number of applications from the UK. Again further details can be obtained from staff at HQ.
POLICE WORLD Vol 63 No. 1, 2018
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