Culture Corner
IPA Section Estonia 25th anniversary Kiran Gharial , London-North Social Secretary.
In July 2018, Kiran Gharial attended IPA Estonia’s 25th anniversary celebrations, which coincided with the Republic of Estonia’s 100th anniversary. O ur first stop was the Estonian Island of Kihnu , where our accommodation was basic and traditional, similar to going on a weekend with the Scouts. The lucky ones had their own rooms while others, including me, shared a dormitory. In the evening, we were entertained by a local band playing traditional Estonian folk music, which I found quite similar to Irish folk music. After dinner there was time to let our hair down and join in some country dancing. On Tuesday we had a tour of their small island in the Baltic Sea. Originating from seal hunters and fishermen, Kihnu’s traditional culture is listed by UNESCO and enjoyed by visitors from all over the world. The men, who are mostly fishermen, go to sea for months at a time. Women run the Island in their absence and act as guardians of its folk traditions, which are part of everyday life and are of great significance to the community. On the island, we visited a local church and Kihnu museum. For those without a fear of heights there was an opportunity to climb the Kihnu lighthouse as well as a 125 foot tall communications tower. Guess what? I did both. Later, we had a seafood BBQ and some of us went for a swim in the sea. In the evening, there was more music and folk dancing before calling it a night. It was quite an experience. On Wednesday we returned to the mainland where we visited the Police Driving School. Those who were interested (yes, I was one) could drive one of their Hyundais around a circuit, which had a skid pan section.
POLICE WORLD Vol 64 No. 1, 2019
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