Keeping you informed
Keeping you informed
I hope as you receive this, our first edition of Police World for 2022, you feel a little optimism for the year to come. This time last year, I told you we would be holding our National Council Meeting in June, in person in Lincoln.
W ell at the risk of repeating myself , I hope this year that we will hold our meeting in person in Lincoln. As you know, last year we were required to hold it by zoom. Now there are many advantages to that, but I do think as a friendship association it is good to actually meet in person, at least some of the time. You may recall I also told you last year, that I had hosted our Patron, Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal on a Zoom meeting. Again, this went very well but surely it would have been nicer to meet her in person.
Together with Helen, I attended the Staffordshire Christmas lunch at the invitation of their Chair, Nobby Clarke. I was delighted to use the visit to present a Presidential Award to Bob Lea, in recognition of the sterling service he has given the association over many years. I particularly noted the weekly Zoom meetings he arranged during the past year, to ensure all our members were kept in regular contact. Now let me just review a few things I had told you about previously, before I look forward to this year coming. Helen and I attended the Rochdale friendship week. We had a wonderful time, and the organisation was fantastic. Amazingly £2000 was raised and donated to the Thin Blue Line. Thank you to all who contributed. A Presidential Award was given to Frank Pearson, Branch Chair for his commitment to the Association over many years, and particularly recognising his work in delivering a great week, enjoyed by many. It was a real tonic to meet in person. I was able to visit Cyprus. The weather was very pleasant. The hospitality was amazing as always. There were of course a few more hurdles to travelling abroad, but I think it was well worth it. Also, on the run-up to Christmas Vice President Sean Hannigan, delivered Members Day at Fox Road, which incorporated the opening of our new Multifaith Room. An area for prayer or quiet contemplation. Sean had also organised the Crafty Copper only a few weeks earlier, so thank you Sean for the tremendous effort required.
If you have seen our front page, you will know that this is exactly what we were able to do before Christmas, when Her Royal Highness kindly accepted an invitation to celebrate our 70th anniversary, albeit belatedly, with a visit to the Arthur Troop Training and Conference Centre in Skegness ,Lincolnshire. There will be lots more about that visit elsewhere in this edition, but if I thought Zoom was stressful, greeting her in person was slightly more so! Also, in the run-up to Christmas last year, I attended my own Branch Christmas bash in Leicestershire. A pleasant evening as always and nice to catch up.
The Arthur Troop Training and Conference Centre in Skegness
POLICE WORLD Vol 67 No.1, 2022
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