Why we Write: The Continually Gripping Yarn of Policing D.B. Lewis - IPA Writers SIG What is it about policing that forever attracts the reading public? Why are so many with a policing background such great storytellers? It has to be because policing provides all the elements of what Christopher Booker calls; ‘The Seven Basic Plots’ of storytelling. Every police member has a book in them; many books. They are stories that should be told and, with increasing frequency and skill, are told. These days, with just a little help, everyone can be published.
I n autumn 2018, the first gathering of police creative writers under the IPA banner came together at IBZ Gimborn. It was to be an iconic week of brilliant insight and fun, from which the IPA UK Writer’s Special Interest Group, together with an international writer’s forum, was founded. It is early days, but the 14 IPA members from four countries, under the direction of VP Sean Hannigan, who attended the amazing castle in northern Germany that is Gimborn, committed themselves to mutual support as a writer’s group, in the hope that others in the organisation who write, either occasionally or full-time, will join or support them. Why a ‘Writer’s SIG’? Because together we can provide help, guidance, inspiration and friendship, publication tips, marketing opportunities, useful suggestions on all aspects of writing and placement, exchange subject knowledge, discuss current trends, issues and history. Amongst us, there will be someone who can provide a wealth of background detail for the next plot, story, idea or article. A host of added insights are there to be explored from copyright to libel, from royalties to the Official Secrets Act, insurance, access to research, openings to a range of specialists; the list goes on. The experiences we have all had as police writers or as members who simply wish to get started on their first book, but need help and inspiration to keep going are unique. We can encourage each other in mutual support that might remind us of just some of the brilliant times we all shared in the truly incredible career that is policing. And, like anything else, creative writing is a technical skill as well as an art form that has to be learned. We can help each other. Well, the ‘Seven Basic Plots’? Here they are – all stories, so the hypothesis goes, will contain at least one of these seven basic storylines: ‘Overcoming the Monster’, ‘Rags to Riches’, ‘The Quest’, ‘Voyage and Return’, ‘Comedy’, ‘Tragedy’, and finally ‘Rebirth’. If you care to examine your own ideas for a story, whether based on your own police career or entirely from your own imagination, you will find that they almost certainly fit into one or more of these categories. So; why write in the first place? There is an almost insatiable demand out there for the stories that we have within us as members of the policing world, and writing is a great way of making a contribution to the community, leaving a legacy behind you for your family and friends to enjoy, as well as providing a fascinating new way of life that will take you far beyond your existing experiences. To write is cathartic and compelling; if you haven’t written before, write something now; you might be very surprised how well it is received by those around you. If you are one of the many wonderful police writers already penning away, please be in touch and help us to grow as a SIG. Write to me at: , or via the IPA mailbox. D.B. Lewis is the author and editor of a number of non-fiction books including ‘A Little Bit of Trouble in London’ about policing in the Met during the IRA mainland campaign of the 1970s, and ‘Plotting Shed’ about the art of creative writing. His current book, ‘Great Aunts and Armadillos; A Glimpse into Dementia’ was recently published through ‘tredition’, a useful to know self-publishing platform in Germany. David served with the Met, Thames Valley and National Police Training. He retired in 2010.
POLICE WORLD Vol 64 No.2, 2019
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