

Co-opted NEC Members Secretary General Steve Bretherton

As you may know, Section UK has one of the smallest National Executive Committees in the IPA World, comprising just six members. As volunteers, the time that different NEC members can devote to the IPA varies, but it never seems to be enough.

T his NEC is progressive , and in the past two years has taken on the refurbishment of our headquarters in Nottingham, addressed health and safety shortcomings at the premises, reviewed the staff contracts, brought in a range of new HR policies, launched IPA pages on several media platforms, reviewed all our directives, brought in tapered membership fees and launched the Two-Together joining initiative, renewed the ageing HQ phone system, and the list goes on. It became apparent last year that some of the NEC post holders needed help with their portfolios. So, the call went out last autumn for volunteers to serve as co-opted NEC members. In due course the NEC appointed 4 new co-opted members; • Spike Elliott - Assistant Secretary General • Karen Duckworth - Assistant VP Professional • Tim Faltermeyer - Professional Development Officer • Colin Hutt - Assistant VP Comms So, what exactly will our new NEC members be doing? Spike Elliott has a range of responsibilities, including annually reviewing the directives for which the Secretary General is responsible, and making recommendations to keep them aligned to the Constitution and Rules, guiding new branch and regional secretaries in their roles and responsibilities, and dealing with queries concerning GDPR and International travel Forms. Already Spike has drafted a new directive providing advice on use of our two IPA emblems. He will shortly be assisting Secretary General Steve Bretherton, to review our Protocol on Complaints.

As well as deputising for Martin Turner, Assistant VP Professional Karen Duckworth’s work will focus on: Gimborn Liaison, developing UK and online seminars, and working with the Academic Liaison Officer to forge partnerships with various institutions and leading project teams. As the new Academic Liaison Officer, Timothy Faltermeyer’s prime responsibilities include: forging partnerships with, and promoting the IPA at universities and colleges, developing member benefits within academia, and exploring the opportunities for professional development seminars in conjunction with universities and colleges. Aidan Goundry , who was already a co-opted NEC member, is the chair of the Innovation Forum. Aidan is responsible for overseeing the transition of the Young Member Forum to become the Innovation Forum, coordinating ideas and concepts generated by forum members, and briefing VP Martin Turner on the work of the Forum. As Assistant VP Comms, Colin Hutt , has been deputising for Sean. Colin is working on several communications projects, including reviewing the IPA website and Memberbase. He has also been working to ensure that at least one IPA member has access to their force Intranet, enabling the IPA message to spread more widely, and facilitating the delivery of Police World supplements The NEC welcomes the new co-opted members to their ranks, and hope that their appointments will allow Section UK to take full advantage of developments in the ever changing worlds of communications, initial police training and ongoing professional development.

Swooping Around! After a chilly few weeks with the German Road Policing team, Swoop finished his attachment in Germany with the Bavarian State Police. I n Bavaria, Swoop took part in a school engagement program featuring their mascot Lexi the Lion, and had a close call with a bomb disposal robot. Swoop then moved onto Green Bay, Wisconsin, in the USA, where he worked alongside the US IPA President Joe Johnson. His next stop is Hong Kong, more on that in the next Police World . You can now get your own Swoop Challenge Coin . We have produced a limited-edition coin (Pictured) to raise money for the Operation Zephyr charity mission to Gambia. They are available to purchase for £13 (Including UK P&P) email for details.

POLICE WORLD Vol 67 No.2, 2022


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