
Keeping you informed

Keeping you informed Last time, I told you that the newly appointed International President, Martin Hoffmann, wanted to bring the new International Executive Board (IEB) to the UK and to Fox Road, for their first full board meeting. This was a great honour for us, and we hosted a successful few days. Much work was undertaken to develop and deliver the International Executive Board strategy for 2023 to 2027. You may well have seen this document elsewhere, as it has now been published. I hope you like what you see, as there are some fantastic initiatives.

T here is also a lot of hard work to come, in delivering a forward looking IPA, which meets the needs and wishes of members around the globe. A good number of UK members were awarded certificates at World Congress, which I collected on their behalf. I was delighted that many of the recipients were able to join us for lunch at Fox Road, where they received their certificates directly from the International President. I and other members of our National Executive, also presented members of the IEB with a keepsake of their visit; an engraved quaich.

I was asked to lead on a global app for our mobile phones, and had the first meeting of my project group recently. The President of Section Australia, Jason Brewer, has kindly agreed to lead the project team for me. So, one of us has to get up early or stay up late! As part of my wish of trying to be visible and supportive to the regional committees, I am looking forward to a visit, together with other members of the National Executive, to Region 5. Hopefully, we will have a lovely couple of days, working through any barriers to an effective relationship between ourselves and the Region, in the historic and picturesque city of Lincoln. It would be remiss of me not to mention here that my good friend and Branch Chair for Leicestershire and Regional treasurer for 5 Region has recently been quite poorly. Now recovering at home, I wish Tony all the very best both, as a friend and as a colleague in Region 5. I told you last time that I have instigated a procedure, where I write personally to members achieving significant milestones in membership, and of course any system is open to some errors. If you think you are reaching 50 years or more this year, please keep an eye on the letterbox. Cathy at Fox Road has given me a large box of IPA cards and envelopes, and I shall be working my way through the list over the coming weeks.

The IEB at Fox Road

When I undertook my walking challenge, I published a picture of me and my faithful companion Millie, the cocker spaniel. Just a couple of weeks ago, I was devastated to lose her. She was a good age I suppose, nearly 13. Those of you with pets I know will agree it leaves a massive hole. We are kept busy with my daughter’s dog Winnie, who is currently living with us, so there is no time for a rest.

In the run-up to Christmas, Helen and I enjoyed a couple of weeks on a cruise around the Canary Islands, which was warm, sunny and just the job. Whilst I was at Fox Road, I asked Michele if we could have prints made of our two international photo competition winners, from World Congress last year, and the year before in Spain. I am grateful to Michele for having had these printed on canvas and they now look very smart indeed.

Photo competition winners on display at Fox Road

Millie with Winnie


POLICE WORLD Vol 69 No.2, 2024

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