Keeping you informed
Keeping you informed Some of you will have seen on the website my short article about my delight at being appointed as your new National President following the National Council Meeting at Pitlochry, Scotland on the 2nd of June.
I thought it might be helpful if I just outlined a little more detail around some of the changes in the executive team and where I see things going over the coming months. I know there is more coverage of the NCM in Pitlochry in other articles in this edition of Police World but I had a fabulous weekend and must thank again all those involved in delivering such a well planned event. Well done region 1, a challenge set for next year in Warwickshire for Region 5. Most of you will recall I’m sure that it was only 12 months ago I was taking on the office of Vice President with the Professional Portfolio. I thought I had been busy over the last year but if my first few days in office are anything to go by becoming president moves things up to a completely new level! I am very pleased to be supported by our excellent executive team and we will together strive to do our best for the Section in developing opportunities for members both here and abroad. I’m delighted also to welcome and congratulate Steve Bretherton your new Vice President. Steve has kindly agreed to take over the professional portfolio from me. I will outline towards the end of the article the Regional Liaison and Special Interest Group links for the executive for the coming year. I would also like to put on record my thanks to our Immediate Past President Mick Luke. We wish him well in the new challenges he will face with his role in St Helena.
As one of my first duties as your new president I was able to recognise the enormous commitment Mick has shown to the Section over many years by awarding him Honorary Life Membership. He did tell me that cruise ships do pull in to St Helena so if any of you are passing by I’m sure he would be delighted to see you. It would also double the IPA membership of the island for at least a day! You will know I have been instrumental in the past year in setting up the Young Members Forum. We had a very encouraging presentation during the NCM about how this is taking shape. Continued recruitment will be vital to the continuing success of our section and I would encourage you all to do whatever you can to help support this initiative. I will seek to be as visible as possible during the coming weeks and months and hope to meet as many of you as possible. I did start this by visiting my own branch meeting but I’m not sure that really counts. As I said earlier here are the NEC roles and liaison to Regions and SIG’s. Pete Connolly remains your Secretary General. Fred Boyd continues as National Treasurer. VP Yvonne McGregor retains the Social Portfolio. Sean Hannigan retains Culture and has kindly agreed to develop our Communications Portfolio. And as I said earlier, welcome to Steve Bretherton who oversees the Professional Portfolio including Recruitment and Retention and the Young Member Forum.
Regional Liaison Roles Region 1 myself Region 2
Fred Boyd
Region 3 Region 4 Region 5 Region 6 Region 7 Region 8 Region 9
Yvonne McGregor Sean Hannigan
Pete Connolly
Steve Bretherton Sean Hannigan Yvonne McGregor
Pete Connolly
Region 10 Fred Boyd Region 11 Steve Bretherton
You know we have a growing number Special Interest Groups. The NEC liaisons are Camping and Caravan Yvonne McGregor
Defensive Tactics Sean Hannigan Police Educators Steve Bretherton Motorcycles Steve Bretherton
I hope that many of you will be able to meet members of the executive at the huge and diverse range of events going on throughout the year. I wanted to confirm that going forward we continue as a Section to support the Police Roll of Honour Trust and I was pleased that at the NCM in Scotland we were able to present a cheque for over £600. Vice President Sean Hannigan has been instrumental in delivering a PRoHT challenge coin which I know has been reported elsewhere. All regions now have a supply of these which make ideal gifts.
POLICE WORLD Vol 63 No. 3, 2018
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