IPA News
Brian’s 60 years’ IPA membership On Thursday 28th March the British Transport Police Branch held its Annual General Meeting at Charing Cross Police Station in London. This year’s AGM was very special for one of our members, Brian Deacon, as 2024 marked his 60 years of membership with the IPA. Brian spent his career with the British Transport Police, working at various posts across London in both uniform and CID. He joined the IPA in 1964, he was and remains to this day an extremely active member and was instrumental in putting the British Transport Police on the map during the early days of the International Police Association. In 1969 Brian was elected as the Chairman of the BTP London Transport Area Branch (which later became the BTP London Central Branch) where he went on to arrange what would be the first of many international trips. The British Transport Police Journals which were an internal force magazine published between 1948-1990, feature many articles about Brian’s hard work and adventures with the IPA, including numerous visits and exchanges with police forces across the world and hosting countless visitors over the decades. Brian served over three decades as chair of the branch before stepping aside in 2000 to provide opportunities to younger members. Sadly, the BTP London Central Branch was dissolved in 2011, as due to a lack of members they were unable to elect an executive committee. However, it was only a short time later when in 2014 a group of keen officers from the British Transport Police started out with the aim of creating a branch for the Force. Brian was again instrumental at this time and played a crucial role in the rebirth of what is now the BTP Branch. Owen Doherty, 9 Region Chair, commented: “It was both an honour and a privilege to present Brian with his certificate for 60 years of membership with the IPA. Having got to know Brian personally throughout my time with the IPA, I have also found him to be a great help supporting the association at every opportunity he gets. I believe anyone that has had the pleasure of meeting Brian would agree that he truly embodies the meaning of “Servo per Amikeco.“
Ernie’s 63 years in IPA Probably the longest serving IPA UK members is Ernie Flatters, from Burgh Le Marsh, Skegness, who is a member of Lincolnshire branch. Ernie actually served with Founder Arthur Troop, and still has stories to tell about when they worked together. Ernie was also presented to HRH Princess Royal when she attended Skegness Police Station to open the Arthur Troop training wing in 2021. He joined Lincolnshire Branch on 1st January 1961, giving him 63 years’ membership. He is pictured receiving his 60-year certificate, which was presented to him by local IPA member Sue McEachran. Pictured (left to right) Ernie’s daughter (Sarah), two Grandsons (Isaac and Noah) and wife of 58 years (Liz).
Trees target exceeded Deirdre Mahony Chair No 2 Region/Member of the International Green Commission. The IPA Green Project is the biggest International project undertaken to date. Trees were planted by regions all over the globe for Earth Day on 24th March. No 2 Region’s target was 999 trees. However, much to our delight, we planted 1200 indigenous Irish trees, including, Whitethorn, Crab Apple, Cherry and Grey Willow. We worked in collaboration with the Woodland Trust Charity at Ness Country Park in the Faughan Valley. We have also made many contacts for next year when we plan to go even bigger and better.
POLICE WORLD Vol 69 No.3, 2024
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