
Keeping you informed

After Lincoln I set off for Rio de Janeiro, as part of the international executive board (IEB) calendar, to meet with member Sections around the globe. As Head of Administration, I have been allocated liaison with the Ibero American group of Sections, to help develop strategies for growth in the region. So, this visit was particularly important to me. As part of the social programme included in these meetings, we were taken to visit the special operations group BOPI, who kindly took us for a short visit into a Favella. Only days after our visit, we sadly learnt that a team member was killed during an operation. I would extend the condolences of the entire International Board to the family and colleagues affected by this tragedy. We were told during our visit it was a very dangerous job, but this news just brings it home. Also, whilst in Rio we planted a tree as part of the green IPA project outside the IPA house in Rio de Janeiro. Following an overnight flight back into Heathrow from Rio, I joined the other members of the National Executive for this year’s national council meeting (NCM) which was held by Zoom. Due to the very tight timescales, we had previously agreed that Vice President Karen Duckworth would Chair this year’s meeting and I would contribute if available. Fortunately, with no delays, I was able to join the meeting and it was nice to see some members who would not normally be at Council able to attend by Zoom to see what goes on. After a few teething problems, the meeting got underway and we were joined by International President Martin Hoffmann, who was still in Brazil waiting to travel onto Peru. For him it was quite early in the morning and we are grateful for him taking the time to join us. There was a presentation from Gary Craig on behalf of my chosen charity the Thin Blue Line (which will continue through next year) together with a presentation from the London Reception Officer Alex Williams who is doing a wonderful job looking after visitors to the Capital with his team of volunteers. My thanks to them all. Following the NCM, I then fell asleep for a few hours before waking to drive me and Helen to Southampton, to board the P&O Arvia for two weeks around the Med, from where I am writing this latest edition of Keeping You Informed.

Clive in Rio with xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx

I am hoping that the coming months will be a little bit quieter as far as IPA duties are concerned, it has seemed over the past few months that they are like buses and all the opportunities come at once! That said I look forward to our visiting Region 1 in the next couple of months which I am sure will be a great success as the team there are always on point. Finally a few reminders , if you are not in the IPA Lottery, you will never win it. If you wish to travel to extend yourself professionally, Gimborn in Germany is the place and Vice President Chris Duncombe the man to contact. The recent IPA games in Romania were a triumph and the feedback from our team was amazing, so next time in Poland in 2026, remember to put your name down early with Vice President Karen Duckworth. Finally, my thanks go to all of those involved in planning events for next year for our big celebrations. It will be upon us before we know it! Until next time, take care.

In Friendship. Clive Wood, Section UK President


POLICE WORLD Vol 69 No.3, 2024

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