
Professional Development

Walking In Shoes Lorna Corbin L orna’s Policing interest started when she completed a sixth-form work experience and shadowed a forensics team. After sixth form, she went on to University to study Computer Science - a subject which resonated with her logical and analytical thinking. Lorna combined university study with being the social secretary of the Geek Society and the weekly kayaking club. Policing was even more at the forefront of her aspirations, as her University had a placement year opportunity with the Metropolitan Police Service. Working in project management support in the Directorate of Information, this placement year exposed Lorna to the challenges of Policing project management in a complex metropolitan force. The experience was invaluable as it helped her pick a final year project idea and which modules to choose, to put her on the project management career path. Lorna graduated from University with a 1st class degree and considered the Metropolitan Police Service’s graduate scheme and soon after started working life in a general project support role being offered with Surrey Police; being closer to home and potential more exposure outside of IT. Lorna joined in the summer of 2012. This was memorable due to all the Olympic related activity that Surrey Police was involved in. Key achievements for Lorna include: county wide project to replace cassettes and introduce digital interview recording, replacement of Surrey’s 999 call handling system and won a ‘Surrey Star’. After a Google search, looking for more police staff opportunities, Lorna stumbled across the International Police Association in 2018. Lorna was impressed by the benefits and opportunities the IPA provided and was surprised none of her colleagues were aware of this world-wide friendship organization - especially as it was started in the UK! The IPA also spoke to Lorna’s passion for travel and experiencing new cultures, whilst meeting others in the policing family. In either the first or second magazine Lorna received, she saw an article asking for volunteer ‘Young members’ to get together in Nottingham and spark ideas for IPA recruitment. As a forward-looking kind of individual, Lorna took the opportunity and really enjoyed both meeting the fellow serving members and learning more about the IPA legacy in Fox Road. Lorna was hooked on the IPA and attended many local events for her branch and in London, a memorable event being the Surrey branch Christmas meal, to which Lorna was welcomed with open arms.

Lorna during London friendship week outside no.10

At that point Lorna had moved to a role in London which was delivery of national projects, in a portfolio structure the first of its kind. The portfolio was made up of the following programs: Digital Public Contact, Digital Intelligence & investigation, Digital First and Front Line Mobility. The Portfolio was made up of 50+projects and valued at £78m. This meant it was subject to HMG Treasury level of scrutiny and assurance in which Lorna played a key role. Lorna was seconded to DPP from Surrey for two years. In 2019 she decided to have a break to travel & work in the southern hemisphere for a year. This for Lorna meant a career break from Surrey and an opportunity to utilise the IPA hosting opportunities to the maximum. Lorna planned an itinerary and put in the relevant travel forms to IPA UK HQ. After a couple of months touring South-East Asia, Lorna and Tom landed in Melbourne. They were made to feel welcome at the IPA Melbourne branch. After a couple of months, we all know what happened in 2019…..Lorna and her husband were locked down, ‘down under’. Six months later after the Australia territories re-opened, Lorna and Tom travelled up the east coast and once in Airlie beach were hosted by the IPA family the Blains. With wonderful memories Lorna finished her year out and went back into policing as soon as she returned to the UK. Lorna managed several projects for Surrey and Sussex over the following 18 months including Robotics Process Automation (for which Lorna won a Sussex commendation). In October 2021, London North branch hosted a friendship week. Lorna was pleased to attend the experiences they put on and met fellow members. She continues to cherish those friendships to this day. Lorna was seconded from Surrey Police to the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) in August 2022 and remains in this role. The NPCC bring UK Police leaders together to set direction in policing and drive progress for the public. As Business Planning and Risk Officer, Lorna set up and co-chairs the national Risk Managers’ Forum, bringing together sole resource in force to share learning and best practice. October 2022 saw the Northern European Innovation Group to meet in Gimborn. Lorna represented Section UK and found it to be a fantastic way to experience Gimborn and share innovation and ideas in the IPA. The weekend saw the young members group proposing working groups that now continue to feature in the working groups associated with the launch of the 2024 IPA Strategy.

Lorna hosting a Surrey branch event - a visit of Surrey HQ including museum visit


POLICE WORLD Vol 69 No.3, 2024

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