
IPA News

My I.P.A Memories Brian Deacon , Life Member. Last issue Brian recalled his memories of 50 years with the IPA. Brian has kindly provided a few photographs to illustrate the friendships he has made over those 50 years.

Northants BBQ On Sunday 20th August, 2017 the Branch Meeting and Summer BBQ was held and hosted by our treasurer, Bill Tapp and his wife Maureen. Another fantastic day with a good turnout of members and friends. Many thanks to the hard work of our hosts and helpers. This was also a special day for one of our members, Richard (Dick) Gimber who was presented with a certificate for 50 years membership of the IPA by our Chairman Nick Smith. Congratulations goes to Dick on this achievement. It was pleasing to see the numbers attending, the Branch is going from strength to strength and looking forward to future functions.

Green Mole Anyone?

Pauline Osborne , Thames Valley Branch Social Secretary Ever experienced Green Mole, no?, nor had the diners from Thames Valley Branch until they ventured to Dorindos Mexican Restaurant in Abingdon. The lunch was well attended by members who sampled tacos, enchiladas, spicy chilli prawns as well as authentic Mexican beer and entering into the spirit, members donned elaborately decorated sombreros and entertained each other with their unique renditions of - not really sure - on the maracas! The meal was rounded off with generous portions of churros, hot fried pastries dipped in chocolate sauce. And the Green Mole? … A sauce made from chillies, pumpkin and sesame seeds.

Angie Goodman – red sombrero

Barbara Marchant – blue/ white sombrero

POLICE WORLD Vol 62 No. 4, 2017


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