Professional Development
Crossing Borders: shining a light on policing around the world Alex Williams , London North Branch In a year of travel restrictions, North London Branch managed virtual visits to three countries in May, June and July 2021: France, Germany and the USA. Many of us have missed travelling this past year, since connecting with IPA members across the globe is what membership is about. Our Zoom Webinars were joined by IPA members from a dozen different countries including: England, Wales, Scotland, Estonia, Greece, Romania, France, Ireland, Kuwait, USA, Malaysia and Germany. E ach Zoom Webinar explored policing in a nominated host country. IPA members gave a series of three or four mini- partners in postings which included Bosnia. Bruno described some of the recent challenges presented by policing the cross channel migrants, touching on the delicate political issues.
prestigious events and public order operations. She shared photographs, which included the French Equestrian Division and Riot Police. Second was Francois, a French investigator. Francois amazed us with revelations that the Public Prosecutor or, for some type of serious crimes an Investigation Judge, are appointed at the start of every criminal investigation. A collaborative approach is adopted throughout the lifecycle of a criminal case, right up to the point of court and sentencing. Bruno, our third Police Officer, gave us a gritty insight into immigration and serious organised crime, drawing on his service with international
presentations about policing in their respective country, with an opportunity for questions and discussion afterwards. France In May 2021 we “visited” France, where we were treated to four fascinating insights from French law enforcement officers. First to speak was Nathalie, who gave us an overview of the police structure in France. Nathalie described her recent postings from a senior leader’s perspective, overseeing
The last of our French Officers shone a spotlight on Counter Terrorism and Outlaw Motorcycle gangs. Philippe emphasized the international cooperation and intelligence gathering efforts of national and international agencies, all working in partnership. He drew parallels with the Italian Mafia and the hierarchical structure of the Hells Angels Gang, giving us a riveting finale to our first Crossing Borders event.
IBZ Gimborn 2022 Martin Turner , Section UK VP (Professional) Friends, it seems more than a year since we could travel freely, and partake in the many wonderful opportunities the IPA provides abroad. Happily, as I write this, the world is opening up and UK members recently visited Munster in Germany for an exchange programme. I have several trips abroad booked, and some hardy souls are currently at IBZ Gimborn Castle in Germany, being beaten up…I mean trained…by our very own Rob Stenhouse, of the Defensive Tactics Group on an IPA seminar. PD Swoop has also joined the Defensive Tactics Group, before he flies off to Kenya.
PD Swoop learning some Defensive Tactics
I will soon attend the planning meeting for 2022 courses at the wonderful seminar venue in Gimborn. Naturally much of next year’s programme will consist of deferred seminars. Section UK will chair several seminars. Please do get in touch with me if you could deliver an input to students on disaster/crisis management or cybercrime. Please also get in touch with any other concepts for seminars you think Section UK can/should chair. Or, if your own police force would like to host a seminar on a particular topic, then reach out, we have access to subject matter experts in every aspect of policing and support you can imagine, both within the UK and across the world. Let’s get back doing what we do best, serving through friendship!
POLICE WORLD Vol 66 No.4, 2021
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