Cutlure Corner
Photo Competition Swasie Turner MBE (top) The picture depicts a number of New York police and fire officers welcoming me and my party of fundraisers on arrival at Ground Zero after a one hundred and eighty mile wheelchair push from the White House, Pentagon and on to Ground Zero after the 9-11 atrocity. Sadly we were to witness bodies of police and fire officers being recovered from the debris. My party consisted of myself and two Merseyside Police officers and two Merseyside firemen and one Devon fireman from Bodmin, Cornwall who walked the whole journey alongside me. We were kindly assisted by members of the IPA and the total raised for the survivors and dependants of the atrocity was $38,000. We were escorted by Police forces of each state we passed through and were fed, watered and given overnight stays at Fire Houses and local police precincts. The endeavour received massive TV, radio and press coverage of both the UK and the USA. Derek Malcolm ‘Danny’ Kaye, South Yorkshire Branch (centre) ‘Batemans Brewery Caravan Rally social evening’. This photo taken of very close friends, all members of the IPA Special Interest Group Caravan Section enjoying a get together in the Bar of Batemans Brewery, (the base of an old windmill), Lincolnshire during one of our Caravan Rallies in 2017. Harvey Whittam, Thames Valley Branch (bottom) This picture is the stairs at IPA house Pierre Barbaud, Villemomble, in Paris. It was a great finish to last Summer’s holiday in France, reminding us all of friends from around the world either to the French Offices or staying in the house. Editor’s Choice Swasie’s photograph is the winner. It is a technically good photograph, Showing subject matter which speaks for itself and is of immediate interest to many members. First runner up is Danny. This is on the right lines, as it shows an unusual location. It is not quite as technically good as Swasie’s Ground Zero photo. Second runner up is Harvey. The mask in the centre is very striking. It might have been a good location to pose a picture with your host. The IPA
Oral History Project Most of you will be aware that Sean Hannigan has been working on the IPA Oral History Project with members from several branches. Sean has been developing ways of ensuring our IPA History is not lost as time passes on. So, what can you do to ensure our IPA history is safe, saved accessible to members and continues to grow? S ection UK have 4 Pocket Memo/Dictaphones which can be sent out to Branches and Regions to record IPA Member histories. If you have photographs or documents relating to your Branch or documents. Sean really needs volunteers to assist him with this project. If you can spare some time to do some scanning, then please contact Sean at vphannigan@ipa-uk.org
Region these can be sent and saved electronically. Section UK have invested in a computer bag consisting of a scanner, laptop, external 3 terabyte hard drive to enable an IPA Branch or Region to scan photographs or documents. The very large archive at Fox Road is undergoing a process of digitisation and scanning so that eventually any member will be able to access historical
If you have Branch or Regional documents or photographs, then please email to Sean. This is especially requested if you have a Branch or Regional Newsletter. If you need the Pocket Memo or Mobile Scanning Bag then please email Sean.
POLICE WORLD Vol 63 No. 2, 2018
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