IPA News
Cyber Crime Presentation Graham Bulford Devon & Cornwall Branch
Facebook and Emails Facebook All members of the IPA Section UK can join the Facebook Group. In order to join, please send a friend request to the HQ Facebook page called Jan Simpson (it has the photo of The Kelpies shown here). You will see posts from HQ as well as other members. We currently have 287 friends and want to increase that number. We also have Facebook pages for many of the Branches. Email addresses Have you updated your email address recently? Or would you like to receive the MMM by email, receive information from your own branch or even log onto the website? For all these you need an up-to-date email address registered at HQ. Please email us your details to mail@ipa-uk.org
Graham Bulford heard Laura Cowie give a presentation recently and she followed up with some useful links to help us all avoid Cyber Crime. He asked her if he may pass on her recommendations to all our IPA members and she was only too happy to share it with us. Laura said: “ I Just wanted to pass on my thanks for the opportunity to speak to your members and for the lovely breakfast on Tuesday. I mentioned that I would forward on some further sources of information and advice to help keeping safe online as mentioned in the presentation which, you can share with the rest of the Association.” The Metropolitan Police’s ‘Little Book of Cyber Scams’ covers everything I didn’t in the presentation: www.met.police.uk/globalassets/downloads/ fraud/little-book-of-cyberscams.pdf it s definitely worth printing off to have at hand for specific guidance. Get Safe Online: www.getsafeonline.org Take Five to Stop Fraud: https://takefive-stopfraud.org.uk The National Cyber Security Centre: www.ncsc.gov.uk Laura Cowie Cyber Protect Officer, Digital Capabilities Unit, Serious and Organised Crime Branch, Devon and Cornwall Police
Warm but snowy
welcome in Belfast Belfast Branch member Lukasz Adamczyk presenting a PSNI presentation patch to visiting Std. Officer Bjarnhora Palsdottir from Iceland Police following a brief ride along through the District. Observe how very thoughtfully we provided snow to make her feel at home, Belfast Branch think of everything. Lukasz is an active IPA member and has represented us successfully internationally at football in Poland.
A Thank You to Bryan Tunney Bob Lea Treasurer, Staffordshire Branch
Bryan Tunney has been the Social Secretary for the Staffordshire Branch for 29 years organising many a talk at meetings, outside visits and a branch visit to Southern Ireland meeting up with members from the Garda, and Malta. At the February meeting he stood down from this post and was presented with a gift from the branch by the current Chair Roy Clarke.
News from Region 3 Nev Duke Retired, West Yorkshire In June this year six retired officers, all IPA members, are heading out on America’s famous Route 66 astride Harley Davidson motorcycles. They will set off from Chicago on 1st June and finish in L.A. 18 days later. The group are all members of the Blue Knights motorcycle club and will be accompanied on part of the route by retired and serving cops from different states. It’s a trip of a lifetime and lots of time and patience has gone into the planning. Watch out for a report and photos in Police World later this year…
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POLICE WORLD Vol 63 No. 2, 2018
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