IPA News
Sean Murphy - Signal Service Award Clive Wood Vice President (Responsible for the Professional Portfolio) I recently spent a lovely evening with the Derbyshire Branch enjoying an excellent meal and first-rate entertainment together with friends on the run-up to Christmas. The evening also provided me with the opportunity to personally thank the Branch and Regional Secretary Sean Murphy for his help, support and dedication to the IPA particularly over the past couple of years when he stepped in to take on the role at Regional level at short notice. In Region 5 we have a signal service award. I know many other regions have similar Chairman’s awards to recognise the excellent work that so many friends put in to make association such as success. At our Regional half yearly meeting in October I had presented the award as I stepped down from office but as Sean was celebrating a “special birthday” he was unable to be with us in person.
IPA Poland visits Leicester HQ Clive Wood Vice President (Responsible for the Professional Portfolio) Artur Niedbała - who is the Chairman of the Kielce IPA Branch within the Holy Cross Provincial IPA Region (Poland) and his wife Renata had reached out to the IPA locally as they were on their first trip to the UK to visit relatives in Leicester and wondered if we could help.
VP & Branch Chair Clive Wood and Regional Executive Member and Branch Treasurer Fred Rankin were able to take them to see IPA Section UK & International HQ at Fox Road Nottingham followed by a visit to Leicester Police HQ for Lunch and a chance to meet IPA member Chief Constable Simon Cole QPM. Following an exchange of gifts they were also able to visit the Call Management Centre for a short tour prior to going out for a traditional British carvery meal.
This event gave me that opportunity and together with a certificate he also received a couple of engraved crystal whiskey glasses which I hope he will be able to put to good use.
Sean Murphy and Clive Wood
50 years in Northamptonshire Alex Thompson Press Officer A belated Christmas Lunch and Presentation held at Broughton, near Kettering on Sunday, 14th January, 2018. A well attended meeting and lunch was enjoyed by members and friends. It was a very special day for three of the members. Certificates were presented for 50 years membership of the IPA. Front row from left to right, Derek Martin, Peter Bishop and Albert Pursey. Certificated were presented by Nick Smith, Chairman (rear left) and Bill Tapp Treasurer.
Seven Region Review meeting Una Blundell 7 Region Secretary The 7 Region Friendship weekend which included the half yearly meeting was a great success, and thanks to Graham Bulford for organising it. We had good representation from the Branches which was great to see. The weekend got off to a good start by getting together for the evening meal on the Friday. The partners took full advantage of Christmas shopping on the Saturday whilst the rest of us got together for the review meeting. We were privileged to have the company of Vice President Clive Wood & his wife Helen throughout the weekend and we look forward to having them at the Friendship weekend in Exmouth 9-12 February 2019. The main topic of our meeting & presented by our Chairman Colin Gameson, was the preparation for the Iconic 2020 event which will coincide with the 400 year anniversary of the Pilgrim Fathers voyage from the Mayflower steps in Plymouth. There is much to be done & the first committee group meeting for this exciting project will be in January once the volunteers have come forward. Torquay is known as the English Riviera & it looked very picturesque in the calm seas, full moon & Christmas lights & it made the perfect setting for a very relaxing Friendship weekend enhanced by the festive mood!
POLICE WORLD Vol 63 No. 2, 2018
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