Police World Edition 2 2013

Helen is seen here after donating England training kit to the Gambia Police Ladies Football Club Goal After Goal in Africa

Donating Wolves FC kit to a local under 12 team

In January 2013, Helen Carver, from Birmingham branch, set off to Africa to work alongside Football Gambia for two weeks.

H elen is a qualified football coach and general manager of Birmingham and West Midlands Police Ladies Footbal Club. Football Gambia is a small non-profit making UK registered charity, who help promote and develop education and communities through football in Gambia, West Africa. During Helen's trip she met with police commissioners, heads of Intelligence, station Officers, CID and traffic officers as part of her mission to promote the charity’s work. Helen worked with Football Gambia and the local communities, schools and local football clubs to help ensure young people attend school and live healthy lifestyles in the future. She visited two small villages in north Gambia Sittanunku and Cheesay - getting her hands dirty as she helped dig foundations for a village school in Cheesay. One of Helen's main aims was to deliver education through a football programme. This was achieved through coaching and educating young people through the love of football. She took part in charity football matches against local teams and helped to raise the awareness of women’s football throughout Gambia. Throughout the second week Helen distributed the football kit and equipment

collected through a charity called KITAID, with whom Helen is a regional co-ordinator. The kit has been donated by West Midlands

police colleagues, local west midlands schools and football clubs, to the local young people of Gambia. Helen said, "A thoroughly enjoyable and amazing trip that was packed full of some great charity work. Football Gambia and Kitaid are amazing charities and very worthwhile causes. It was great to give something back and do my bit, it really does put everything into perspective!"

Official presentation of donated kit: shirts, trousers, handcuffs, boots to the North Bank Police Commissioner

Visit to Kanifing police station: Helen meets with the Police Commissioner, Head of Intelligence, CID, traffic and station officers

To see more images from Helen's fantastic trip visit: http://www.ipa- uk.org/Football-Gambia

Just before setting off on her quest, Helen (centre) meets Wendy Donaghy from the International Admin Centre (left) and Michele Rai from BSAC

Police World Vol 58 No.2 2013


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