Police World Edition 2 2014
LindaDabbs, amember from7Region’s TriathlonGroup recallsher memoriesof theWorldPoliceandFireGamesandof her realisinga dreamby representingGBat theWorldChampionships. A pproximately a year ago I heardpeople talkingabout the TriathlonWorld Championships that were going tobe held inSeptember 2013, on theOlympic course in HydePark, London. Now that gotme thinking... could I possibly qualify for theWorldChampionships? I hadonly just completedmy first season in commemorate100 years since the sinking of the Titanic. All startedwell. On the return legon the bike I heardmy sister before I sawher, as she gallantlywishedme good luckand it was only then I realised I was in front of her.
Inspired? Contact the TriathlonGroup: triathlon@ipa-uk.org
I have sinceheard that Belfast has beendeemed the friendliest WorldPolice andFireGames and I can truly believe it.What a superb venuewith wonderful support.
triathlon, but waswell and truly hooked. I love the buzz and spirit of triathlon - having come froma competitive trackand fieldbackground. So I set myself the goal of qualification! I competedat theWorldPoliceandFireGames (WPFG) inBelfast inAugust 2013. How could I not go to that, beingaBelfast girl?Andanadded bonuswas that I racedwith (or should I say against)my sister who is in thePSNI.Wehad alwaysbeen competitivebut hadnever raced together ina triathlon. Inorder to raceat theWorldChampionships I first had toqualify for theGB team, which Imanaged to do in theBristol Harboursidequalifying race… first part of theplan complete! WPFG raceday dawnedbright and sunny in Belfast, which isn’t necessarily thenormeven in summertime. TheWPFG racewas tobe incorporated intoa local race, the Titanic Triathlon, a race in its second year, havingbeen set up to
It was after thebike stage that I appreciated just howmany peoplehad comeout to support the race. Having grownup inBelfast through the depths of the troubles I never imaginedBelfast withall its regeneration could lookand sound this good. My runwent reallywell.My husbandand two sons were there cheeringmeon, asweremy sisters’ friends. At theendof the3rd lap I was ready for the final lapwhenoneofmy injury prone calfs suddenly ‘went’. I thought at first itmight be crampand I stopped to stretch, but couldn’t even walkwithout great painandwithaheavy heart I had to call it aday. However, as they say it isnot always about winningandalthough goldand silver for the sisterswouldhavebeen very special, I was happy topass theage group goldmedal to my sister.
I would like to thankboth the IPAwhoassisted meandmy local sports association fromSouth Devon. Their support is greatly appreciated. A last note– if you think you cannot do something, younever know till you try. Have confidenceand belief in your ownability andkeepdreaming!” I thenwent on to runat theworld championships. To findout how I got on read the full articleat: www.ipa-uk.org/News/reflections-of-a-triathlete
Meet IainSirrell National Co-ordinator, ILDEP Iain isaPolice Inspector inNorthYorkshirePolice. Anofficer for 25-years, hehas servedonResponse Teams; Safer Neighbourhood Teams; a specialist searchand publicorder team; a tactical firearmsunit; and is currently aForce IncidentManager.
Duringhis career hehasbeen seconded to National Police Training/Centrex and following that becamea TrainingManager inNorthYorkshire Police. Hehasmaintainedakeen interest in traininganddevelopment andworked closelywith Mick Luke, VicePresident with responsibility for Professionalism, todevelop thenewapproach to theexchangeprogramme.
Iain said, 'the ideabehind ILDEP is tomake sureofficers get exactlywhat they need from theexchangeand todo so inaway that canbe recognisedand supportedby SeniorManagers. Learninganddevelopment shouldalwaysbe enjoyableand creating theexchanges in this way gives anexcellent opportunity to gain some uniqueexperiences andworldwidepolicing
perspective. This can give someoneunrivalled evidence for promotionor selectionboards and it canbe gainedwhilst having funandmaking
lasting friendships at the same time.' Formore informationon ILDEP, visit: www.ipa-uk.org/ILDEP
POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 2, 2014
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