Police World Edition 2 2014
AWhaleof a Time After hosting43members inEdinburgh, LothianandBordersbranchmembersmadegooduse of anemptyflight to theFaroe Islands. I n2013 LothianandBordersbranch in Edinburghhostedmembers from IPAFaroe Islandbranch. Half of theentireFaroe Island strugglingup thehillsdue to theweight of the various free sampleswehadaboard. There is nodoubt that theFaroesePolice can certainly organisea ‘booze-up inabrewery!’
Weall agreed that theFaroe Islands area ‘must see’ and that the scenery is stunning. However, thehospitality of the IPAmembers, thepolice officers and the local people surpassed the scenery - a friendlier place youwill not find. Our thanks toBergleif, Kristianandall theofficers of theFaroesePolice (yes…all theofficers are IPA members). Thepriceof thewhole trip, includinghotels, trips, andmeals proved tobe great value! Wehope tomake this anannual trip sowewill advertise this in themiddleof next year. Theonly advice is…. bookearly! TomMcInally , LothianandBordersbranch
force joinedScottishmembers for a fantastic fewdays. Oneof theorganisers from the Islands made the suggestion that we take theopportunity touse the charter aircraft that they hadhired to come toScotland. “Theplanegoes back to theFaroe Islands almost empty” . Soaplanwas hatched. Once theavailabilitywas confirmed, the Lothian andBordersbranchhadonlyweeks to get the minimumof 24UKmembers to signup. Before weknew it wehad29and the tripwas on. Members fromall over Scotland, Englandand Northern Irelandmet at AberdeenAirport to discover wehad thewholeaircraft toourselves. Theunlimitedbaggage rule for aprivate charter meant that someof the group tookall their possessions and the securitymust have thought therewereother passengers secreted insidea coupleof bags, judgingby their size. Onarrival, wewere greetedby IPAmemberswho invitedus to thePoliceHeadquarterswhichwas next door toour hotel.We thenhad free time to explore Torshavnand itsbeautiful harbour before exploring further. The followingdaywewalked round the town in warm sunshine, somethingnot expectedwhen youareperched in themiddleof theNorth Atlantic - somewherebetweenScotlandand Iceland. Wewere thenpickedupby apolice vanand takenagainst our will to the local brewery, which producesOkkarabeer. About twohours later, we wereonour way back. Thepoor police vanwas
That evening the local IPAmembers entertained us inanancient house in the town. A variety of local foodswereonoffer.We triedPilot whale meat, whaleblubber anddried cod. Thebrave shareda few sheepheads andonemember had his eyeonaparticular delicacy - sheep’s eyes - andwehavephotographicproof it was eaten! Such is the friendliness of the Islanders that after wewanderedback to thehotel the staff, as they left, just askedus to switch the lights off andblow out the candles. They don’t evenbother locking thedoor as there is little crimeon the islands. The followingmorning, wehada fantastic tour of the Islands travellinghigh into themountains - visitinga fewof the coastal towns and travelling through the sub-sea tunnelsbeforebeing taken toa small village.Wewere then treated toa short concert in the local church. Thiswas followedby theFaroese versionof Strictly ComeDancingaswewereall taught the Faroesenational dance. Luckily it only entails shuffling from left to right. Thiswas a great event andwas enhancedby a local IPAmember wearing traditional Faroesenational dress. Wewereabout toheadoff the followingdaywhen wewere told that the flight back toAberdeenwas cancelled ‘forcing’ us toextendour stay. That night wewerehit by a terrific stormand several members lost their hats andwigs. Thankfully the followingmorning it was calmenough for the flight home.
Room for seconds anyone?
NEWS UPDATE: The two branches havenow twinned
POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 2, 2014
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