Police World Edition 2 2014
OfficersHelp toShape International Racism inPoliceServices InDecember 2012, Gurmit Kaur andVice December following the grantingof the scholarship (extensionsnot granted). All SectionUKmemberswishing tobe considered for theArthur TroopScholarship 2015must complete theapplication formand send it to theSecretaryGeneral: Secretary-General@ipa-uk.org by1 July2014. Todownload theapplication form and to view theapplicationproceduredocument visit: http://ipa-iac.org/content.php?pageId=43 Any questions shouldbe referred to theSecretaryGeneral at: secretary-general@ipa-uk.org Arthur TroopScholarship 2015 - Apply Today TheArthur TroopScholarship isawardedannually by the IPA. TheScholarship is an international bursarywhichwill assist towards a visit overseas toundertakepolice related studies at aneducational establishment or at Gimborn. EachScholarship consists of abursary of notmore thanЄ2,500. Thebursary is tobeused towards expenses of attendinga course/seminar at aneducational establishment or the International ConferenceCentre, Gimborn. Applicantsmust havebeenamember of IPA for at least one year beforeapplyingand the scholarshipmust be takenbetween1 January and31
IYG Selection Complete
GraceWhittamandLaurenWilliams havebeen selected to represent Section UKat the2014 IPA International Youth Gathering (IYG) inParis. Grace is thedaughter of ThamesValley branchmember HarveyWhittam. Shehas already participated in IPAactivitieswith her family. In2011 shewent toSlovenia - seePoliceWorldedition32011. Grace, aqualified sports leader and tennis coach, is currentlyworking towardsher Dukeof Edinburgh silver award. Shehas said that she ishoping to get some good photographswhilst inParis. Lauren, aqualified swimming teacher, is the granddaughter of EricAllen from Derbyshirebranch. Lauren is currently studying for her A levels. Shealso loves singingandactingandhas appearedat Buxtonoperahouse. Their reports fromPariswill appear ina futureeditionof PoliceWorld - sowatch this space.
the information that youprovidedduring the fact- finding visit to theUK.” DavidDavies, theConservativeMP forMonmouth, whowrote the initial report which led to the resolutionalso thankedMickandGurmit for their ‘timeand significant contributions’. It ishoped that thenew resolution, together with thenew strategy toprevent racismand intolerance inEurope, will haveapositive impact on racism withinpolice forces inEurope. Mick Luke said, “I’m really pleased that this new resolution is inplace. It is amassive stepof acknowledgingand tackling racismwithinpolice forces inEurope. Trust in fair andnon-racist law-enforcement institutions is crucial toensure thepeaceful coexistenceof themany groups and communitieswhichmakeupEurope’s society”
PresidentMickLuke, both fromNottinghamshire branch, were invited to represent the IPAand speakaround their experiencesof racismwithin thepolice service to theHouseof Commons. Inearly2014, theParliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europeadopteda resolutionon tackling racism in thepolice, withbothGurmit andMick Acknowledge theExistenceof Racism in thePolice soas toCombat it’, it isdescribed that, as a result of the resolution, European governments are advised to takeanumber ofmeasures toprevent racial discriminationandprohibit racial profiling. ElodieFischer, Co-Secretary of theParliamentary Assembly of theCouncil of Europe, said: “I would like to thankGurmit andMick for your helpand being thanked for their contributions. Inanarticleentitled ‘GovernmentsMust
Formillions of children around theworld, the street isa daily reality!
Because children are our future, because we as police officers are daily striving to make public security a fact rather than a rule of law and because we want to believe that this world has the power to change its destiny, we strongly support the International Day for Street Children (12 th April),established in2011by theConsortium
for Street Children. None of uswould like to see theirchildgrowingup in thestreets,struggling for life, not knowingwhat tomorrowwould provide or underwhichbridge to sleep.Therefore, let’sunite oureffortsand join together inachainofsolidarity to awaken public awareness.
IPASupports theConsortium for Street Children
International Police Association – hand in hand with the Consortium for Street Children
The InternationalPoliceAssociationappeals to theUN and asks them toadopt the InternationalDay forStreetChildren.
SignCSC’spetition at >>>www.streetchildrenday.org<<<
andprofessionalmatters, I feel it is appropriate that we support this cause.” SignCSC's petitionat www.streetchildrenday.org It will take you less time than sendinganSMS! Download the flyer at: www.ipa-uk.org/write/ Documents/IPA_streetChildren_A5_ENG.pdf
actionof theConsortium for Street Children. International President, Piere-MartinMoulin says, “Let'suniteour efforts and join together ina chain of solidarity toawakenpublicawareness. Please downloadanddisplay theabove flyer andget your relatives, friends, colleagues– in fact everyone - tobepart of this initiative. As the IPA is aNon Governmental Organisation involved in social, cultural
In2011 theConsortium for Street Children (CSC) established12April as ‘International Day for Street Children’. Furthermore, they initiatedapetition in order toappeal to theUN toofficially recogniseand adopt thisDay for Street Children. Thiswill enable our politicians and governments to take concrete measures inorder tohelp these children. Theworldwidebody of the IPA strongly supports the
POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 2, 2014
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