Police World Edition 2 2014



Sourcing theSoar Readersof PoliceWorldmagazinemay recall that, in2012, Leicestershirebranch reported ona trip tracing the sourceof the river Soar from theWarwickshireborder to theLeicester city boundary. In2013, 14members tookpart in Part 2 - a journey of about 7miles along river and canal through Leicester. Adjacent toKing’s lock is the listedmedieval Pack

1st Annual CharityBall


Jimended thewalkat BelgraveHall. Thisbuilding madeheadlinenews about 10 years agobecause itsCCTV cameras appeared to showa ghost! Jim said, “It’s only another 94miles to theHumber!” Maybe that tripwill bepart 3?

C h a r i t y B a l l 1 st 21 June 2014 I N T E R N A T I O N A L P O L I C E A S S O C I A T I O N I N A I D O F T H E N A T I O N A L P O L I C E M E M O R I A L D A Y

Horsebridge - this location is part of a green wedgeof wildlifeandmeadowland. Horses and Longhorn cattlehappily graze there. Jim commented, “It is very rewarding for organiserswhenpeople, born locally andwho may havepoliced thearea, say ‘I never knew this existed!”

withworld class singers Eden

TICKETS£35 per person at theRoyalYorkHotel

tickets £ 35 per person ToBOOKCONTACT: charityball@ipa-uk.org

On thebridge

The1st Annual CharityBall will takeplace on21 June, 2014. This event hasbeen organised to raise funds for theNational Police Memorial Day (NPMD). JoeHolness, Founder of theNPMD, andhiswife, Sharon, will be in attendance. Theworld-class singers, Libby Johnstoneand Lucy Campbell, specialise in classical/pop crossover and call themselvesEden. Eden havea freshmodernapproach tomusic and will performingat theball. They take their inspiration fromKatherine Jenkins, Il Divo, SarahBrightmanandAll Angels, and combine eachof their influences to createauniqueand beautiful act. A classical/crossover duowitha difference, Eden createandproduce their own arrangements, andare theonly duo to focus onmodernmusic, combining it witha classical twist. To findoutmoreabout Eden visit: http:// www.edengb.com/ Ticket prices are£35per person. Further informationand tickets fromDave Taylor, SecretaryGeneral: charityball@ipa-uk.org or visit: www.ipa-uk.org/Event-Catalog/Event- Catalog/a-All-Events-By-Date/2014-Charity- Ball/14583 The Emergency Services Show2014 The IPAwill beexhibitingat the EmergencyServicesShow2014 - Wednesday24September to Thursday25 September, 2014. The showwill beheldat theNEC, Birmingham - inhalls17and18 andanoutdoor area. Visitor entry is free so comealongand say hello. More information is availableat: www.emergencyuk.com

What aCoincidence When JohnBull, from ThamesValley branch, was invited to visit DresdenandPragueby some IPA friends, Karl-Ludwig&DorisRuckelshauss fromSectionGermany, littledidheknowwhat a small world itwas.

Macekand Jaromir (Jerry) Rada from thePrague branch. Vladimir and Jerry hadkindly arranged ahotel close to the city centreand they also gave the group ‘what todo’ advice regarding Prague - which included taking in the sights of theOld TownSquare, theAstronomical Clockand WenceslasSquare. John said, “Shouldanyone consider a trip to either Dresdenor Prague I can thoroughly recommend it.We receivedhelp regardinghotels which canbedifficult tobook, especially Prague. Wealsogot goodhotel rates thanks toour contacts - whoarealso very helpful withpractical advice.”

John soon foundhimself on thebanks of the river Elbe inDresden, withKarl andDoris. They were greetedby local IPAmember JuergenSahre. Juergenhadoffered tobe their guide for theday. The group visited the famous church, whichhas nowbeen fully restoredat a cost of 37million euros. John said, “ Wewent to thedaily12.00 service andorgan recital which is precededby the ringing of thepeacebell. After the servicea short history of the church is givenby aguide including the story of its rebuilding. This is inGermanbut wehadour translators withus. By amazing chance the seatswe choseout of over 1,000availablehadbeen sponsoredby our friendsChristianandHeidi Bender fromGrunberg!” FromDresden it is a shortishdrive toPrague where the groupweremet by Vladimir Weare3! West Yorkshirebranchcelebrated the3rd anniversary of its creation from themerger withLeeds, Bradford, Huddersfield, Halifax, Dewsbury andWakefieldbranches. Our treasurer, GrahamHeyMBE, arrangeda BurnsNight event at the TownHall tavern in Leeds tomark theoccasion. Members and their partners enjoyed the fayre from this excellent venue, which included the licenseepiping in thehaggis to thewords of Robert Burns (Ode toahaggis). He thendrewa sword fromhis sidepocket and stabbed the


DavidOgle, AlanVarley, HelenFalkingham, PaulineVarley andAvril Ogle

haggisbefore it was served to thewaiting customers. It was very tasty indeed! Roger AFalkingham , SecretaryWest Yorkshire IPAbranch


POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 2, 2014

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