Police World Edition 2 2014
NewYear KneesUp TheCaravanandCampingGroupcelebrated theNewYearwithanother themedevent. This time inanoldand historicmarket town in theboroughof Harrogate, NorthYorkshire. KevinHullah tellsall. O ur destinationwas the cricket club in the townof Knaresborough, historically part of theWest Ridingof Yorkshire, which is locatedon theRiver Nidd, 4miles east from the centreof Harrogate. NewYear’sEve.My alter egoDJ, Kev ‘Double Decks’ Hullah, provided the tunes! Ralliers and localmembers alike joined in the funon thedance floor.Most joined inwith the festive spirit andappeared ina variety of fancy dress costumes anddisguises. braved theFOULweather to goalongandwatch the3,000 strong floatingplastic flotila tumble andbobdownstream.
The rally farewell event washeldat a local restaurant - theZolsha. Everyoneenjoyed the banquet that was provided - it was a fitting finale. Wherewill thenext NewYear Rally beheld?You’ll have towait and see. To seewhat other Rallies theGrouphaveplanned for the rest of 2014 visit: www.ipa-uk.org/Event- Catalog/Caravan-Camping-Group KevinHullah , Secretary CaravanandCamping Group
Onceeveryonehadpitchedup, the ralliers gathered for afternoon teaand festive fare. Awarmwelcomewas thenon themenu from the rally organisers and theCricket Club’s committee. The ‘meet and greet’ was then continued later in the convivial surroundings of the clubbar. Themainevent during the rallywas theGypsies, Tramps and ThievesDiscowhich tookplaceon
Someparty goersneededa littleextrapersuading before they tried theYorkshiredelicacy of awarm porkpieandpea supper. Put it thisway, once they had taken the leap therewas little left over! TheKnaresborough cricket club, together witha local charity, organises aduck raceon the river onNewYear’sDay. Our ralliers showed great support inbuying tickets for the raceandmany
DidYouKnow? InAugust 2008, the GreatBritishDuckRace washeldnearHampton CourtPalace,London.An estimated250,000blue plasticduckswereused.
Left to right: KeithandAnnetteEccles, DickandRosieGreaves
DJ, Kev ‘DoubleDecks’ Hullah
POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 2, 2014
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