Police World Edition 2 2015
The IPA’s Far East Feast After hearing stories about British police officers still serving in Hong Kong after the handover of sovereignty from the UK to China, IPA member Dan Smith’s curiosity to learn more was ignited. I n an email to Police World he said, “After much internet reading I realised that the Hong Kong police force is really rather unique. It was in fact the World’s second modern force to be formed (After the Metropolitan police) and to this day is still based on the British style of policing. Post-handover, British expatriate officers continue to serve with the force and it is heralded as an example to other Nations in the region, including China.” Having decided he wanted to travel to the Far East with his brother, Dan submitted an IPA travel form as a part of a holiday to Hong Kong and Tokyo. Shortly after, Dan was contacted by Eddie Wu, from Section Hong Kong, and invited to dinner at the Hong Kong Police Officers Club. Dan explained, “ With Hong Kong being the urban sprawl that it is, Mr. Wu met us at our hotel and personally escorted us to the Club. After arrival, and being warmly received by staff, we were seated in the dining lounge and joined by Assistant Commissioner Koo Sii-Hong.” Whilst there they discussed the many similarities between their police forces - which ranged from operational policing, to epaulette design and the battenberg patterns applied to patrol vehicles, Dan presented his hosts with a North Wales Custodian helmet. Dan summed his trip up in saying, “I thoroughly enjoyed my time there and would recommend any IPA member who is contemplating going to Hong Kong to simply do it as soon as possible. It’s a fantastically global city, with a real mix of nationalities amidst a backdrop of ‘East meets West’ cuisine and architecture.”
East meets West cuisine
Dan and his brother enjoying the fine cuisine
Outside the Police Officers Club
Want to be hosted in another country? Visit: www.ipa-uk.org/Travel-and-Accommodation and submit a travel form.
POLICE WORLD Vol 60 No. 2, 2015
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