Police World Edition 2 2015
IPA News
Seven Year Old Police Officer Joins the IPA Section UK has recruited its youngest ever member - seven year old Malachi Tyler from the Metropolitan Police. Section UK invited Malachi to become a member of IPA and his enrolment papers were processed and he has was issued with his IPA membership card in February. Since that time, brave Malachi has been in and out of hospital.
A Personal Test I first heard about the 11th Commando Marathon, an event organised by IPA Section Poland member Mariusz
Malachi was diagnosed with an incurable brain tumour and neurofibrosis when he was just 15 months old and has made a ‘bucket list’. A lot of his wishes have been fulfilled by police officers at Kingston Police Station, such as a ride in a police car and ‘making an arrest’. Then on 9 January, Malachi ‘passed out’ in his complete set of police uniform, with badge number, along with other officers at the passing out parade in Hendon. VP on Friendship The Northamptonshire branch AGM
IPA members can follow Malachi’s journey on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ MalachisJourney
(Mario) Berezoeski, through 9 Region’s Facebook. I initially decided not to put myself through the challenge - thinking that it was likely to do me more harm than good!
However, having read about the event in more detail I began to have a change of heart and decided to get in touch with Mario - via 9 Region's Secretary, Martyn Evans. Martyn’s invaluable advice and tips helped me with my 4 months preparation to be ready to participate in the event. The purpose of the event was to promote competition of uniformed services from all over Europe, as well as to offer an opportunity to members of the Prison, Army, Police and Fire services to put themselves to the test in extreme conditions. All participants had to wear full combat gear and carry 10kg (22lb) backpacks. They would have 7 hours to complete a 26.2 mile (42.6km) route, through woods and fields - all in temperatures below zero degrees! Everyone who completed the run successfully was rewarded with a medal, certificate and endorsed ‘Maraton Komandosa’ long-sleeved top. As well as acheiving a personal goal I was given a guided tour and background of Krakow prison. It was a real eye-opener compared to the British Prison system. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mario for organising the event and Paulina Walasek for her encouragement and support. Kiran Gharial , London North of the Thames branch
was held in February, 2015, and welcomed Vice President UK, Sean Hannigan as a guest speaker. Sean gave an interesting talk about the friendship of the IPA - which was well received by the members.
The events of the last year were discussed and it was agreed that it was another successful year for the branch. We all know that social occasions don’t happen on their own so a thanks to the committee and other members who helped out. Events for the forthcoming year were also discussed and it looks like another great year ahead for the branch.
Sean Hannigan, far right , with members of the Northamptonshire Committee
A big thanks to Maureen Tapp for preparing the food which was absolutely delicious. Alex Thompson , Northamptonshire branch
Staffordshire branch Get Racey Thirty one Staffordshire branch members attended a table top horse race evening in February.
During the event six coloured horses ran in various races, each horse being sold to a new owner for every race. The winning owner taking the winners pot if their horse won. Branch Secretary, Bryan Davies said, “Once the horses were at the start line, owners rolled large coloured dice from a bucket and the resulting score and colour on the dice advanced the horses along the course to shouts and cheers from all participants. There were flat races and jump races with all the problems that real racing holds - such as falling at fences. We even held
Staffordshire branch members on race night
a double dice race which would mean that one horse could move twice as fast if its colour came up on both dice at the same time.” The evening was such a success, plans for its return next year are already in place.
POLICE WORLD Vol 60 No. 2, 2015
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