Police World Edition 2 2015
IPA News
A Privileged Phelan During a Nottinghamshire branch meeting held at IPA HQ - Section UK, Gurmit Kaur, branch Chair, presented Michael Phelan with a 40 Years Membership Certificate. Gurmit said, “I felt privileged to make the presentation to Michael and enjoyed chatting with him as he reminisced over the many years of membership that he has enjoyed.”
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Sprouts Wings
Gurmit Kaur with Michael Phelan
A F l y i n g V i s i t
Was Well Worth It!
impressed that they took a picture of the staff. After the game I said to one of the group, 'My wife thinks you are mad coming all this way just to watch a football match', to which he replied, 'Mine too'.” Photo below: Neil with the visitors from Norway Photo below left: The ladies from the caf é
In November 2014, members of IPA Section Norway visited Manchester in what can only be described as a flying visit. They watched the football match between Manchester United and Hull City. Neil Baldwin, a member from 3 Region, met them at the airport and took them on a tour of Old Trafford museum and football ground. Neil said, “I took them to the Police Club and they met up with some Polish IPA members who were also visiting Manchester. Earlier, we found a nice café to have breakfast and my guests were so
Nottinghamshire branch at IPA HQ - Section UK
IPA North Wales Members
Recognised At an IPA North Wales branch lunch members Sylvia Hulme, John Heddwyn Jones and Alan Sturgess were presented with long service membership certificates. After lunch, branch Chair Alan Sturgess welcomed guests from Section New Zealand - Bruce Hutton and John Coomber both former presidents of Section New Zealand, who were being hosted by North Wales branch Secretary David Moore. Photo below: Left to right Arnold Woolley, Alan Sturgess, John Hedwynn Jones, Sylvia Hulme
Romania Awarded the IPA Sports Trophy The IPA Sports Trophy for 2013 has been awarded to IPA Section Romania.
sports events with 23,750 participants. Our message to all Sections is simple:
The IPA International Social Commission (ISC) Chair, Gal Sharon, said, “Sports is part of our training and a major activity in all police forces. In 2013, the ISC proposed a new formula for evaluating the achievements of the Sections in sports activities. The new formula examines the number of members in relation to the number of events and the amount of activity. As a result of this formula, Section Lithuania was awarded the sports trophy for 2012. In 2013, IPA Romania organised 324
‘Excellence is not only dependent on the size of the Section. In the case of Romania, they were simply the best and we congratulate them!’ Photo: (above) shows International President Pierre-Martin Moulin, Section Romania President Costicã Voicu, and Gal Sharon
North Wales branch members
POLICE WORLD Vol 60 No. 2, 2015
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