Police World Edition 2 2015
IPA News
IPA Step Back in Time Twenty Thames Valley branch members visited the Milestones Museum at Basingstoke, Hampshire as part of a branch social outing. The museum has recreated a Victorian street, under cover, with a real Victorian pub, classic cars and trams. Pauline Osborne, branch Social Secretary, said “There were so many of the items we remember seeing from our childhood. Remember the copper boilers, mangles and the bakelite telephones - even the penny arcade.” There were a few items that the group couldn’t identify; these fascinated the children who attended with the group. “It was all a wonder to them” said Pauline.
Charlotte Kotzè, M P Joseph (1st Recipient of the Trophy) and H (Vossie) Vos, President Section South Africa
Be the Best Section South Africa is continuously looking for ways to support the South African Police Service (SAPS) and its members and to encourage and enhance skills and performance. During recent conversations between Section South Africa Vice President, Jakkie Van Litsenborgh, and the Commander of the SAPS Training facility in Paarl, Charlotte Kotzè, the need to encourage learners to perform well was identified. Section South Africa decided to support SAPS with the sponsoring of a trophy for the best learner in the Station Management Learning Programme (SMLP). On the 21 November 2014, Section South Africa President, Vossie Vos and Vice President Jakkie Van Litsenborgh attended a graduation ceremony and handed over a certificate and the trophy to the best learner, Brigadier M P Joseph from Moroka SAPS, Soweto – who is himself an IPA member.
Pauline went on to explain some
highlights, “We exchanged our modern money for pre
decimal currency to buy a penny’s worth of rationed sweets and even found time for a swift half in the pub and yes it did have a 'Joanna'.” To cap it all one eagle eyed member spied the telephone number '1212' in the public phone box. Seems familiar? Whitehall 1212 was the famous telephone number of Scotland Yard.
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POLICE WORLD Vol 60 No. 2, 2015
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