Police World Edition 2 2015
The Benefits of Gimborn Sean Hannigan, Vice President, highlights the reasons why and how attending Gimborn can boost your professional development. O ne of my enjoyable roles, as the newest Vice President of Section UK, is that of National Gimborn Co-ordinator. This
I have been planning the seminars for 2016 and indeed Section UK IPA colleagues are helping to develop several seminar topics for Gimborn. I would welcome any IPA member who would like to either present a topic or indeed has an idea for a week long seminar at Gimborn to get in touch with me before 15 June. I am also pleased to announce that Section UK will be hosting two one day seminars based on CoPPRa which stands for Community Policing Preventing Radicalism and Terrorism. The seminar, which is internationally recognised, will be delivered by a team of IPA members who completed the CoPPRa Trainers course last November at Gimborn. You can find out much more Information about Gimborn Seminars and Professional Development by visiting the IPA website: www.ipa-uk.org/Professional-Development Pete Connolly, who took part in the innovative Policing Change seminar at the end of February had this to say about his experience. “A series of very interesting and engaging presentations were made by serving Police Officers who shared experiences from their working environments. Every presentation allowed time for engagement, query and conversation. Some of the presenters built in group work, workshops and discussions with student feedback being introduced from those exercises. Two particularly academic presentations were included in the itinerary, whereby academics provided insightful information on sociological aspects of human migration, human development and motivation for people who are marginalised by society. Every evening the students met up in the Turmbar (this is an area of Gimborn set aside for socializing) where conversations followed
Sean Hannigan and Pete Connolly
involved attending the 2014 Gimborn Kuratorium in Germany and bidding for the 2015 English or English/German seminars. We started off with 2 seminars being offered and by careful negotiation with other Vice Presidents from other European Sections and Gimborn, managed to put on 5 seminars in 2015. Section UK supports Gimborn by offering a bursary towards the cost of the Seminar, which covers the majority of the cost; several Branches and Regions also offer similar support to help with travel costs. Gimborn offers a unique opportunity to share experiences and take part in presentations from world class speakers who are expert in their own field. Each seminar’s programme usually includes an afternoon excursion to a topic related venue. Gimborn is open to retired members as well as serving police staff and police officers. Participants come from all over the world and from every rank of police personnel. 2015 Is an exciting time at Gimborn with Seminars being offered for English speakers including: Islam - History and Culture of a world religion between everyday life and extremism. 18 - 22 May. Cyber Crime a look at Crime in Cyberspace and how to detect and prosecute. 31 August to 4 September. Evidence based Policing reviews how Police Officers Research outcomes. October 5 - 9. Homicide in the European Union comparing different jurisdictions and investigations 23 - 27 November.
on from the classroom situation. These pointed conversations were not accidental in nature but were very much a part of the Gimborn experience where students arrange to embed their personal learning. I was interested to identify learning that I might apply that may not already have been tried and tested within my service.” I think Pete sums up Gimborn very well indeed. I would like every member to take part in the Gimborn seminar experience at least once every 3 years. I have had some fantastic experiences myself attending Gimborn as a participant, presenter and Chair of Seminars since joining Section UK 15 years ago. If you would like to find out more information then visit: www.ipa-uk.org/Gimborn-About or please feel free to get in touch with me at vphannigan@ ipa-uk.org In Friendship, Sean Hannigan , Vice President
Gimborn Castle
POLICE WORLD Vol 60 No. 2, 2015
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