Police World Edition 3 2014
The magazine of the International Police Association, Section UK www.ipa-uk.org
National Council Meeting News SeePage4
InternationalPoliceAssociation SectionUK
ILDEPProves Beneficial SeePage10
EntryForm OverLeaf
Lottery Launched SeePage20
International PoliceAssociation SectionUK STOP POLICE Free Membership in 2014 *
To celebrate theCentenary of thebirthof Arthur Troop, founder of the International PoliceAssociation, IPASectionUK is givingaway FREE* membership - open to servingand retiredPoliceOfficers, Special Constables andmembers of PoliceStaff. * To findoutmore visit: www.ipa-uk.org/Join-us
POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 3, 2014
PoliceWorld Themagazineof the International Police Association, SectionUK
Vol 59No.32014 Features 4-8 WorkingonYour Behalf
Editor LeeHemmings
e-mail: lee.hemmings@ipa-uk.org Deadline for article submission for Edition4, 2014 is 18August, 2014 . DispatchedSeptember, 2014. Advertising MicheleRai tel: (+44) 01159813638 e-mail:michele.rai@ipa-uk.org General enquiries IPA, BSAC, Arthur TroopHouse, 1FoxRoad, West Bridgford, Nottingham. NG26AJ tel: (+44) 01159813638 e-mail:mail@ipa-uk.org
News from theNational CouncilMeeting includingphoto gallery
9 Arthur TroopCentenary CelebrationWeekend
Details of theplanned celebrations to takeplace inNottinghamand Lincoln
10 ILDEPProvesBeneficial toGermanOfficers
An insight into the ILDEP journey of threeofficers fromGermany.
11 TheStanleyHanna TournamentResults
YvonneMcgregor bringsnews of this year’s competition that tookplace inPerthshire.
12 TheDanishExperience
Aguide to Regionnumbers 1 - Scotland 2 - Northern Ireland 3 - NorthernEngland 4 -Wales 5 -Midlands 6 - Central London 7 - SouthWest England 8 - East Anglia 9 - NorthWest London, Beds&Herts 10 - NorthEast London&Essex 11 - South London&SouthEast England Toapply either visit www.ipa-uk.orgor request an application form from the general enquiries team *terms and conditions apply. Printedby BishopsPrinters,WaltonRoad, Portsmouth, HampshirePO61TR Membership InSectionUK, themembership comprises servingand retiredPoliceOfficers, Special Constables andmembers of PoliceStaff employedby aChief Constableor other appropriately designatedChief Officer of the PoliceService. TheSectionhas auniquemixtureof police personnel whoare still serving, retired, or in some instances, whohave voluntarily resigned from thepolice service. For details of who can joinSectionUK, go towww.ipa-uk.org/Join-Us Joining the IPA is FREE*andannual renewal is£28. Visit thewebsite to learnabout our promotional offers.
Members fromSectionDenmark took part ina four day visit to Liverpool. FrankHurst reports.
13 OneYear On
ZoeHoward speaks of her experience duringher first year ofmembership 14 Sightseeingon theWest Coast DeirdreMahonymakes themost of IPA’s networkof Houses andexplores the wonders of Ireland. 15 WeareWhangawhere?
GrahamFultonandDougieWright take part inaMotorcycle tour of NewZealand.
16–17 PolicingUSAStyle
Sevenofficers from9Regionwent stateside toexperienceall things American. GaryWarren, tells the story.
InternationalPoliceAssociation SectionUK
News 18–26 National News
20Lottery Launch The latest news on SectionUK’snew lottery andhow toapply
A roundupof thenews fromSectionUK
28 International News
EntryForm OverLeaf
International diary dates andmore
Regulars 27 Competitions
PoliceWorld is amembers’ publication. Every effort ismade toensureaccuracy. Furthermore, the views expressed inarticles are thoseof theauthors anddonot necessarily reflect thepositionof the Communications Team. If youhaveany Comments,
please contact theEditor: lee.hemmings@ipa-uk.org
WIN copies of books publishedby Troubador Publishing Ltd andOxfordUniversity Press
Howdo you rate thiseditionof Police World? What would you improve? What didweget right? What would youhavedonedifferently? Send your review to: lee.hemmings@ipa-uk.org
Adverts, special offers andnotices
31 Diary dates
BranchandRegional events anddates
ISSNNo: 0032-261X
POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 3, 2014
AnUpdate from theNEC
Workingon your behalf AVibrant IPAwas the themeemerging from this year’s2014 National CouncilMeeting.Withdelegatesdemonstrating their support, in friendship, tochanges to theNational ExecutiveCommittee (NEC), the future is lookingpositive for SectionUK. PoliceWorld invites thoseaffectedby this year’s elections to say a fewwordsbefore theSecretaryGeneral covers thebusiness sideof themeeting.
A – All inclusive V – Visible I – International B – BenefitsRkey R – Retainmembers respectingall views A – Activities N – Networking inFriendship T – Trust andCharity IPA
M ick Luke, formerly VicePresident, was elected unopposed to theofficeof President. It iswith great honour that I write to you for the first time asPresident of SectionUK. I will keep it short in the knowledge that theSecretaryGeneral will cover fully the businessmatters at theNCMand TomCrozier will reflect onhis service to the IPAduringhis timeasPresident.
5 Identify anewKEYbenefit formembers each year. 6 Income generation–maximise theopportunities available. 7 Support our staff at BSAConallmatters todeliver what ourmembers request of them. 8 Internationally, tomaintainour strong links, sharingbest practiceand tobe visible. For thenext three years I look forward toengagingwith asmany of youas I can toensure that wehave AVIBRANT IPA.
My acceptance speech ( www.ipa-uk. org/News/ipa-president-mick-luke- outlines-future-plans ) covers the personal gratitude I have for Tom, our ImmediatePast President, and hiswifePauline for their service to the IPA. They hope to spendmore time travellingand I know youwill joinme in
wishing thembothwell on their travels. Toutilise theHeraclitus principle– “ Theonly thing that is constant is change. Todonothing is todo something too”. Forme, embracing change is right anddifficult to ignore. As anewNECwehave toadapt.WehaveanewVice President inSeanHanniganand I welcomehimon boardandpass onmy congratulations toFredBoyd onhis re-electionas Treasurer. For IainSirrell and Bill Lloyd, who stood for posts, I sincerely hope to see them seekingelection in the futureasbothhave plenty tooffer theAssociation. At theNCM, delegateswereasked to consider thenext steps for our recruitment and retention strategy and this topicwill behighon theNEC’s agendawhenwemeet for our firstmeeting in June, prior to theannual charity ball inYork. AsPresident, our strategymeans tome in simple terms: 1 Abalancedbudget utilising finances for member activity. 2 Mergebrancheswhereneeded inorder to maintain identity andaim tohavea foothold in eachpolicearea. 3 Recruitmoremembers from thewider police family, increasing theoverallmember numbers ensuringwemaximise retention. 4 Increaseevents andestablish iconic eventsunder the social, cultural andprofessional portfolios each year.
FredBoyd, Treasurer, was re-elected for a5th t erm
Theonly thing I wish to say is it’s a great honour andprivilege tohavebeen re-electedasNational Treasurer of SectionUK. Thank you toall delegateswhoonceagainput their confidence inme for another 3 years. My thanks also, and commiserations,
TomCrozier, stooddownasNational President
It iswith genuinelymixedemotions that I address you. Tohavebeen the President of SectionUKwasbotha privilegeandanhonour. As youmay imagine thedecision to stepdown wasnot aneasy one. Firstly I want tooffer warm
go toBill Lloyd. Themanner inwhichhe conductedhimself throughout theweekendwasboth professional and friendly and I wishhim thebest in future campaigns.
congratulations toMick Lukeonhis electionasNational President, andwishhimand theothermembers of the NECevery success in their endeavours. Congratulations also toSeanHanniganand toFredBoyd following their election. I alsowant to recordmy sincere gratitude toall of those that have servedwithmeon theNECover the last six years: Bryn Jones, StephenCrockard, SteveConnor, EdwinSutton,MarkKernohan, RonnieDukes, Dave Taylor, FredBoydandMick Luke.May I also record my gratitude to Lib, Lee,Micheleand Jo, our staff at Nottingham. No-onewill beoffended if Imake special mentionof LizHowgill. It iswith great affection that I remember Lizwho sadly died two years ago. Shehad the sweetest and cheeriest ‘phone voiceever! When reflectingonmy six years on theNEC, first tomind
SeanHannigan, VicePresident, was elected into thepost vacatedbyMick Luke I wasdelighted tobeelectedas your VicePresident. I want to continue helping the IPAdevelopand growby buildingon the great friendships and relationships that havehelpedmeonmy own IPA journey. I knowweareanAssociation
offering aprofessional environment withina friendly setting. I believe in servicewith friendshipand service through friendship.
POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 3, 2014
havedescribed that I didnot haveall thenecessary attributes to fulfil thewider roleof President, you can be confident thatMickhas. As youmight expectmy closing comment and greatest thanks are for Pauline for everything that shehasdone to supportme inmy time inoffice. BusinessandPleasure inColchester, Essex, 2014 It ismy pleasure toprovidemembers
that thebenefits of it beinganational appointment were that NEC could, with support of the ‘London’ Regions, establishandoverseeadministrativeprocesses and makebetter useof thedata. A footnote to thisdebate is that the LondonRegionswere not seeking subsidies fromNational funds to support receiving visitors to London.What theywere seeking was very amodest out of pocket expenses for the LRO amounting tonomore than£80 - £100per annum. Questions of financewill however bediscussedonly once theprocesses areestablished to the satisfactionof the LondonRegions andNEC. Variousmembers of theNECand thepast President SteveConnor contributed topresentations anddebates on significant IPAevents or significant issues impacting upon IPA, namely: Highway50 - Charity driveacrossUSA in2015 (www. iparoute50.org) Consortium for Street Children charity supportedby IPA internationally (streetchildren.org) Recruitment andRetentionStrategy, Independent Development and LearningExchangeProgramme, and theWorldPoliceandFireGames at Belfast 2013. The latter was accompaniedby theexcellent video producedbyBrianKennedy from2Region. The video can be viewedonour website: www.ipa-uk.org/Video-Library TheMillenniumShield is awardedby theNEC for outstanding contribution to theSection. It isnot awarded every year, but theoutstandingnominee this year was the IPAWPFGOrganisingCommittee fromRegion2, Northern Ireland. To rapturous applause, CaroleSpence and thoseof her colleagues on theorganising committee present, were invited to the floor toaccept theaward from Tom. Thiswas in turn followedbyKeesSal presentinga certificate to Tomonbehalf the International President, PierreMartin-Moulin. With themeetingnearing completion, TomCrozier addressedCouncil for the last timebefore standing down. Tom’s address toCouncil was verymuch in keepingwithhis ‘reflections’ as reportedonpage4. Then followed theelections– the results of whichare evident onpage7. PhillipPowell wasunanimously re-appointed to the roleof National Archivist, andBob McCormackwas appointedas LondonReceptionOfficer. Tomduly handedover toMick to concludeproceedings. TheNCMweekend isnot all about business. The attendanceof somany partners and friendsmakes for a special fewdays of social interaction. This weekendwasnodifferent. It alsoprovides theopportunity to formally recogniseand reward service to theAssociation. Weweredelighted that DCCDerekBenson from Essex Police joinedus as guest of theorganising committeeat our informalmeal onFriday night. The final event of theweekendwas theGalaDinner. demonstratedover theweekend, and for the real sense of friendshipand respect that characterised thebusiness meetings. Thiswas later endorsed ina letter fromKees Sal - to read it visit: www.ipa-uk.org/News/section-uk- and-10-region-congratulated-on-ncm I gladly echo those comments. Dave Taylor In their concluding commentsbothMickand Tom thankeddelegates for theprofessionalism
is the goodandkindpeople I have come toproperly know andof the friendships that havebeen cemented. However, seekingelection to theNEC is about farmore. Mymotivationwasborneout of abelief that I couldmake apositive contribution. (While I canpromise that I was notmotivatedby self- interest, it seems selfish tonow admit that ahappy if unforeseen consequenceof joining theNECwas that itmademy transition into retirement from thePolice somucheasier than I hadanticipated). I trust thatmy time servingon theNEChasbeenof some benefit to theAssociation. I amnot onewhobelieves in legacies, and forme therewill only ever beone legacy that shouldbe celebrated in IPAand that is Arthur Troop’s. That said, inmy reflections over the past six years, I think thisNEChaveembeddeda number of innovations that weare justly proudof (for moredetails see: www.ipa-uk.org/News/tom-crozier- reflects-on-his-time-in-office-as-section-uk-president
thisupdateon theprinciplebusiness meeting in theSection’s calendar. TheNCM this year washostedby 10Regionat theCrownePlazaFive LakesHotel near Colchester.My first duty onbehalf of theNECand delegates is to thankSteve Jennings,
MikeStanbury, SteveHunt and theentireorganising committee for their hardworkorganising theevent. It was pleasing toplay host tomore international guests thannormal. Dr AldoCarriola, VicePresident of Section Italywas theprincipal guest of SectionUK, andweweredelightedby thepresenceof Declan O’Byrne (NEC, Section Ireland) andhiswife Janicewho attendedas guests of 2Region, andKeesSal and JohannaSchotanus (SectionNetherlands). Notable by their absence this year wereStephenandDiane CrockardwhohavenotmissedanNCM in22 years! Unfortunately Stephen’s commitments tohis roleas Assistant International SecretaryGeneralmeant he had tobeelsewhere. TheNCM itselfmay beaoneday businessmeeting, but in truth thebusiness is conductedover twodays, with less formalmeetings of theRegion Treasurers, Secretaries andChairs and the correspondingNEC representatives takingplaceonFriday. It is also true that thesemeetings allow formany things tobe agreed inadvanceof the formalmeeting. It was very heartening tohaveoneof our international guests complement the friendlymanner inwhich these meetingswere conducted. As for theNCM itself, theNational Treasurer FredBoyd was first on the floor for theNEC. Inexplainingour expenditureplans for next year Freddeliberatedwith delegates on thedifficultieswithmanaginga limited budget against themany competingdemands. Council unanimously approved the financial reports. Onbehalf of theNEC, VPRonnie
Sowhy am I leavingofficenow? I can say Imadeanhonourabledecisionwhen I stood for President in2011. That isnot the sameas saying it was the right thing forme; I havenever coveted the role. I didhowever believe that I had something tooffer and theofficeof Presidentmaximises theopportunities for influencing strategy. The roledemands ahigher profileand visibility andmy age is apersonal consideration forme. Had I chosen to standagain, I wouldbe62 in three years’ time. Pauline and I still haveother as yet unrealisedambitions, and want toachieve themwhileweare relatively fit andable. Lengthy travels and servingon theNECare incompatible. I amnot disappearing. Paulineand I will continue to run the IPAHouse inScotland, and I intend tobecomemore involvedagainat Branch. I will be forever grateful for having theopportunity to serveasChair of 1Region, SecretaryGeneral and thenPresident of SectionUK. I am grateful to you, the members for your forbearanceand your continuing commitment to volunteering. I believe that inMick Luke youhaveaPresident you can trust to listen to youand support you.Whereas I
Dukes proposedestablishing aSectionwide lottery. This too receivedunanimous support. (Seepage20). VPMarkKernohan thendebated withCouncil the recent significant increases in costsassociatedwith thedistributionof PoliceWorld.
InternationalPoliceAssociation SectionUK
After consideringanumber of options, delegatesmandated Markand theNEC toadopt aprogressive approach to cost reductionwhilemaintaining the current quarterly cycleof PoliceWorld. Only oneproposal fromRegionswas put toa vote, namely theproposal from6Region that the London ReceptionOfficer (LRO) role shouldbeanational appointment. Thiswas agreedonly after the removal of references toanagreedbudget. It was accepted
EntryForm OverLeaf
POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 3, 2014
NCM Photo Gallery A selectionof photographs takenduring theNational CouncilMeetingweekend - 16 − 18May, 2014.
TomCrozier andDr AldoCarriola (National VicePresident, Section Italy)
Applause for elections
TomCrozier andDeclanO’Byrne
Max Fordyce, ColinGamesonandAndyWright
KeesSal andBrianKennedy
KeesSal, SteveConnor andDr AldoCarriola
POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 3, 2014
Members from1Region withRonnieDukes
AmagicalmomentwithPaul Clancy
KerryBrown, JennyAlexander, SaraandMick Luke
AlanCarter, Dr AldoCarriola, KeesSal, SaraandMick Luke
NEC Election Results
Newly electedVicePresident SeanHannigan
NewPresidentMick Lukewith Immediate Past President TomCrozier
FredBoyd retains thepost of Treasurer
POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 3, 2014
VivienneCatherall-Powell, 11 region, receives her Presidential award
SteveBretherton, 8Region, receives hisHonorary LifeAward
JohnHutchins, 9Region, receives hisHonorary LifeAward
MikeStanbury, 10Region, receives hisPresidential award
BobMcCormack, 6Region, receives hisPresidential Award
KenDavies, 4Region, receives hisPresidential Award
TessaAdams, 7Region, receives her Presidential Award
2Regionwith theMillenniumShield
JohannaSchotanus andKeesSal present TomCrozierwitha certificate andgifts onbehalf of International President PierreMartin-Moulin
CaroleSpence receives the Shieldonbehalf of 2Region
POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 3, 2014
CelebrationWeekend SectionUKhaveorganisedaweekendof celebration tomark thebirthof Arthur Troop, founder of the IPA, takingplace12–14December 2014. Event organiser, RonnieDukes, describeswhat isplanned. T heweekendwill centre inNottingham withexcursions toStamfordand Lincoln. OnFriday afternoon therewill bean
Whowas Arthur Troop?
throughout theweekendwill be centredon Jury’s InnHotel. There is aPremier InnHotel opposite the Jury’s InnHotel and thiswill be a suitable venueaswell. If youarebooking thePremier InnHotel, pleasemake sure that youbookNottinghamArena (London Road) - as thereare several inNottingham. Theweekendpackage, not including accommodationand transfers to / from Nottingham is £60 per person. Many havealready registered to takepart in the celebrations including guests from abroad. Deadline for registration: 30 July, 2014. If youwould like to takepart, pleaseensure that youbeat thedeadline, as cateringand transport will be reservedonly for those that have registered. This is great opportunity tomeet withother members fromhomeandabroadand to share inwhat will bea great occasion. Visit: www.ipa-uk.org/write/ Documents/810_Arthur_Troop_ Centenary_Weekend_registration_ form.docx todownload thebooking form. Please send completed form to: lib.jones@ipa-uk.org
opportunity to visit theSectionUKAdministration Centre inNottingham. National Archivist, Phillip Powell, is currentlyworkingonarrangingand sourcing someuniquememorabilia for a special exhibition. He isbeingassistedbyMikeVince, IPAmember andmember of thePoliceHistory Society. Oneof theexhibitswill highlight thekey features / landmarks inpolicingover the last century. Therewill alsobea chance tomeet Kevin Troop, Arthur’s sonwho is fully supportiveof what isbeingarranged. OnFriday evening, guestswill dineat a local restaurant. Thiswill beanother opportunity to get tomeet everyonewho is takingpart over theweekend, with representation from several overseasSections already confirmed. OnSaturday, guestswill travel to Lincoln to take part in theunveilinganddedication ceremony of a commemorativeplaque. In Lincoln therewill be theopportunity for sightseeing, festive shopping andanoptional tour of themagnificent Lincoln Cathedral. In theevening, adinner dancewill take place inNottingham. OnSundaymorning, guestswill depart. Althoughaccommodation isnot included in the packagepreferential rateshavebeen secured (subject toavailability) at Jury’s InnHotel in Nottingham. Transport toand from the locations
Arthur wasborn in1914, in Lincoln. Hisdream of foundingaworld friendshiporganisationwas initially thought eccentricby hisChief Constable and theHomeOffice. However, their opinion changedwhenArthur was awarded theBritish EmpireMedal in1965. Readmoreat: www. ipa-uk.org/IPA-History
IPAArthur TroopCentenaryBadge OrderTODAY StockNowAvailable mark the centenary year of Arthur Troop'sbirth. Thenew special editionpinbadge is availableNOW at £2 incP&P. Place your order today viaemail: mail@ipa-uk.org and then sendpayment viaPAYPALpayable to themail@ipa-uk.orgaddress. TheSectionUKCommunications Teamhavedesigned andproducedanArthur TroopCentenary pinbadge to
POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 3, 2014
PaulaBertschandFraukeNeebwithofficers from theMarineSupport Unit
An International Learning&Development ExchangeProgramme (ILDEP) developedby IPA toprofessionalise theexchangeprocess, isnowupand running. ILDEPhasalready, in the short time since its launch, helped many policeofficerswithprofessional exchanges. Thisarticlegives insight into the ILDEP journey of three officers fromGermany. P aulaBertsch, FraukeNeeband AndreasWallich fromHessen, Germany completed internships in London. Sav and two sergeantswhoexplained their duties and theorganisationof theMetropolitanPolice Service. Over thenext fewdaysheaccompanied ConstableBenandConstableFarhanonpatrol andwent on several ‘blue light runs’ through NottingHill, KensingtonandHydePark. ILDEPProvesBeneficial toGermanOfficers
arrangea visit toScotlandYardCrimeMuseum, the Tower of London, 10DowningStreet and the PalaceofWestminster. PaulaandFraukeended in saying, “ Everyone involved inour stayworked very hard tomake it as excitingand variedas possible.Weareboth pleasedand very positivewith the very friendly receptionwe received. If suchanopportunity aroseagainwewould love to comeback to London.” To findoutmoreabout ILDEP visit: www.ipa-uk.org/ILDEP Readabout MartinPemble’s experience in theUSat: www.ipa-uk.org/News/ipa- step-in-to-assist-with -us-course
Kyriakou, fromMiddlesex branch, dealt with the requests from the threeofficers andarranged for them tobeaccommodated ina ‘sectionhouse’ in London. PaulaBertsch, FraukeNeebhad chosen to spend their timewith theMetropolitanPoliceServiceas part of their Bachelor’sDegreeprogramme. Most of their internshipwas spent with the Criminal InvestigationDepartment at theRoyal Boroughof KensingtonandChelseaas they both wish to specialise indetectivework. They alsohad theopportunity toworkalongsideother specialist units including the TrafficPoliceand theChild Abuse Investigation Team. Speaking toPoliceWorld they explained, “A particularly excitingdaywas spent with the MarineSupport Unit, whichprovideduswitha uniqueopportunity of seeingLondonpoliced from anentirely different perspective - not tomention aboardanexceptionally fast boat!” Sav arranged for Andreas to spend timeat KensingtonPoliceStationand introducedhim to the “Response Team” that hewouldbeworking with. Andreas said, “As I amapatrol officer in Stuttgart I was particularly looking forward to seeinghowmy London colleagues performed their duties.” Hewas initially shownaroundby the inspector
Andreas added, “During thisweek I learneda lot about policework inEnglandandalsogot amore critical lookat thepractices inmy own country.” Andreaswas also given theopportunity towork with theCID, theChildAbusive Investigation Team andwas assigned to the ‘TrafficPolice’. In summary he said, “My twoweeks internship was over tooquickly and I am very glad that I was able toexperience theMetropolitanPolice Service. It has expandedbothmy privateand professional horizons immensely. I amalso very grateful for thewarmwelcome I received from my English counterparts and to the IPA for this opportunity.” The visitingofficers alsohad time to visitmany of the tourist spots Londonoffers. Savwas able to
Officers from theMetropolitanPoliceService
POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 3, 2014
OneYearOn One year after SectionUKopenedup itsmembership toPolice Staff, PoliceWorld speaks toZoeHoward, fromHertfordshire branch, whoenrolledwithinminutesof the rulechange.
Howeasy have you found it toget involved in IPAactivities? “Very easy. In January this year,members from theNational ExecutiveCommittee visitedHertfordshire to visit potential venues for the2015NCM whichRegion9will be
SoZoe, sincebecoming thefirst police staff person tobeenrolled into IPASectionUK, what have youbeenup to in your first year of membership? “I was attested into theHertfordshireSpecial Constabulary inAugust. On starting the training course, I foundmyself ina room full of complete strangers, themajority of whomwere vastly younger –and indeed taller - thanmyself. I broke the iceduringa refreshment breakby talking about the IPAwitha view to signingasmany of themupas possible! Despitehavingonly eight monthsundermy belt, I’ve completedmy Police ActionChecklist (PACS) andam looking forward tonewpolicing challenges. Beingable to joinmy regular colleagues,many of whomarealready IPAmembers, andgoout ondutywith themhas added tomy knowledgeof thepolicingworldand hashelpedmeunderstandwhat challenges they faceonadaily basis.” Webelieve your renditionof ‘I shot theSheriff’ shot the topof thecharts– tell usmore. “Ha, ha– very funny. InSeptember, I hadagreat timehelping toorganise the visit toUKRegion9 by the twoUSAofficers, JohnFlannery and Tom Sanchez. Ahighlight formewas theMcMullen’s Brewery tripwhereRegion9members and John Flannery spent agood fewhours in theHertford BrewhousewithFergusMcMullen (Production& SalesDirector). After the fantastic tour, Fergus presented JohnFlannerywithabeer pump clip withMcMullen’s IPA logoon it as amementoof the visit andweall receiveda caseof premium bottledales toenjoy at our leisure. Finally, Fergus treatedus toa fabulous lunch inoneof McMullen’sHertfordpubs, Baroosh. The leaving party, whichweheldon Johnand Tom’s last night, was attendedbymanyRegion9members, local Hertford TownCouncillors and long-service IPAmembers. It was agreat success and my karaokeperformanceof ‘I shot theSheriff’ with Johnand Tomhas been thebutt of jokes since.”
Outside theMcMullen’s visitors centre
hostingand I was involved in thatmeeting, followed by aBurnsNight themed supper. I’ll beattending this year’sNCMat FiveLakes inChelmsford, which I am verymuch looking forward to, as it will giveme further insight intopreparations for when it’smyRegion’s turn
next year. I alsoattended my first Region9AGMat BedfordshirePoliceHQ, whichwas agoodopportunity tomeet other RegionandBranchmembers.” Finally, what are you looking forward to in the next 12months? I’ve very recentlymovedon fromHertfordshire Constabulary andamnowworking for aprivate hospital inHertfordshire, but I’ll continuewithmy Special Constabulary role. I feel very fortunate tohavemade some great friendships through
Lunchat Baroosh inHertford
encouragingothermembers of police staff to join - alongwith theaddedbonus of freemembership during this special year. Oneof themany good ideas that came from the 9RegionAGMwas for eachBranchof Region 9 tohost anactivity of their choice to raise funds towards theNCM in2015. So, what with thoseevents and theArthur TroopCentenary celebrations inDecember this year, let’s get the parties started!
the IPAand, although I amno longer police staff, those friendshipswill continue through theSpecial Constabulary. So it just goes to show that whether you’re police staff, a regular officer or aSpecial Constable, there’sno differentiationbetween the IPA membershipof staff versus
officers, everyone is part of thebig IPA family and team. I hopemy article may go somewhere to
ZoeHowardwithHertford Town CouncilMayor - PatriciaMoore - after the remembranceparade.
9Regionparty time
POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 3, 2014
The Danish Experience InApril,members fromSectionDenmark tookpart ina four day visit toLiverpool. FrankHurst, Chair of Cheshirebranch, reportsonwhat tookplace. I arranged for our four Danish guests, Thomas Trudslev, AndersSoltoft, LarsBrondberg, andStefanKaptain, andwere shown thepitchand facilities inside the stadium Nowbeing the fair andevenhanded
TheDanishofficersmeet Assistant Chief ConstableAndyWard
CarolineColes explains fingerprint scanningprocedure
to visitMerseysidePoliceHeadquarters - where theywerewelcomedby Assistant Chief Constable,Mr AndyWard, QPM. Themainpurposeof the visit was todiscover anddiscuss the relative differencesbetweenBritishandDanish evidence gathering techniques. The tour beganat theFingerprint andForensic ServicesDepartment, where the functions andprocedures of thedepartment were explainedby SupervisorMarkWilson. Theofficers also sawademonstration of fingerprint scanningand recordingby CarolineColes, anda tour of theForce LaboratorywithChrisRoberts. The visitorswhere then introduced to AndyReidandRichieBeesley, the crew of oneof theMerseysidePoliceArmed ResponseUnits. Theyweremore than happy to give theDanishOfficers a short talkon the vehicleand theequipment usedduring their duties. The group exchanged informationonpolicing methods - discussingboth the similarities anddifferencesbetween the two countries policing styles. After lunchweheadedoff to Liverpool football club, at Anfield, where theDanish officers visited theHillsboroughMemorial topay their respects. Theywere thenallowed into the ground
chap that I am I thought it only fitting that this visit toAnfieldbe followedby a visit toEverton’sGoodisonPark.Wewere greetedby the staff at Goodisonandwere again givena full tour - whichweenjoyed immensely. (I will not saywhich ground theDanes liked thebest - that will have to remaina secret.) The visit toGoodison concluded the tours and I dropped Thomas andAnders off at the city centre, for some rest and relaxtion - where they expressed their thanks for a very enjoyable visit. I would like to thankMerseysidePolice for all their efforts toaccommodateour Danishmembers. I wouldalso like to thankboth Liverpool andEverton for allowingus to visit at short notice. FrankHurst , Chair Cheshirebranch
Thegroup learnmoreabout theForensicServices inMerseyside
At thememorial in Liverpool
Withoneof theMerseysidePoliceArmedResponseUnits
POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 3, 2014
Results This year theStanleyHannaGolf Tournamentwasheldat Crieff Golf Club, Perthshireover theFerntower Course. YvonneMcGregor, 1RegionSecretary, reports. O ver themany years of theStanley HannaGolf competition strong friendshipbondshavebeenmade between the teamplayers. This year wasno different, after catchingupwithnews and gossip over a cupof teaandbacon rolls the teams headedout to the first tee.
Theplayerswerenot only competing for the StanleyHannaMemorial Trophy but also the Ulster Cup (playedwith the stableford scoring system) andScottishCup (playedwith the stroke play scoring system). Stuart Blaikie, amember from Lothianand Bordersbranch travelled to theevent onhis motorbikeandwent out onto the course to capture someof theactiononhis camera. Our thanks go toStuart. After the final group came into the clubhouse theplayershad time to chat, over ameal, about thosemissedputts andwhatmight havebeen. The results Thepresentationof prizeswasmadeby the Northern Ireland TeamCaptainGary Vance. Retaining theStanleyHannaMemorial Trophy was1Region, with214points to203. The Trophy was acceptedby their TeamCaptain, Yvonne McGregor. Top6players for 1RegionwereAlex Brown, JimWestwood, AndyMather,MickBone, JimPurdonandAllanHarley. TheUlster Cupwaswonby JimWestwood, 39points, 2ndAndyMather, 37points and3rdDickieSimpson (2Region), 35points. TheScottishCupwas retainedby
Yvonnepresents theStanley HannaMemorial Trophy
How it all began On3 June, 1979, 47 year oldSuperintendent StanleyHannaof theRUCwas killedby terrorist actionnear Crossmaglen. At the timehewas theSecretary of the2Region Northern Ireland IPAGolf Society andhad instigatedanannual trip for theSociety toplay 1RegionScotlandat golf. After hisdeath the annual visit was continuedand in1983his fellowmembersdonateda Trophy inhis memory. TheStanleyHannaMemorial
YvonneMcGregorwith team captainsSean Ferrier, andGary Vance
Golf competitionhasbeenplayed for annually for the last 32 years andonemember of theNorthern Ireland Team, DickieSimpson, has been playing for the last 28 years. Well doneDickie. YvonneMcGregor
AlexBrown, 67, 2nd TommyHutton (2 Region), 68and3rdDickieSimpson, 73.
Nearest thePinwaswonby DavidMcGregor (1Region). Longest Drivewaswonby Gary Vance (2Region). Ladieswinner wasSharon Boath (1Region). Next year’s venuehas still tobedecidedbut the partingwords from the2 Regionplayerswere “we’ll get it backnext year” .
Gary Vancepresents JimWestwoodwith theUlster Cup
Sightseeing on the
Formore reviews of IPAHouses in Ireland visit: www.facebook.com/ IpaIrelandHouses?
DeirdreMahony, Chair of Greater Belfast branch, venturedacross theborder toexplore thewondersof Ireland. Shemade themost of the IPA’Snetworkof Houses - several ofwhichare ideally located for touring thisarea. M y daughter Taraand I hadamost marvellous tour of thewest coast of Ireland - first travellingwest towards of ShopStreet which leadsdown to the famous SpanishArches and theCladdaghAreaof Galway. It ishere theCladdagh ring isnamedafter. Shop
Street iswonderful as are themany smaller streets and lanes off it. This city isburstingwith theatres, art galleries, street theatre,magnificent craft shops sellingwares of creators fromall over Irelandandmusic streamingout of every bar and restaurant. Onday four of our tripweheadedout to thewilds of Connemara, visiting the villages of Barna, Spiddal and the set of RosnaRun, an Irish soap drama. Theweather wasbeautiful, the seaAzure blue.Weeventuallymadeour way back through the charming villageofMoycullenandback to the city. After dinner wewalkedback through the city streets, still teamingwith life, to the IPAHouse. We really neededanother day at least inGalway, however we left thisbaseand visitedCounty Clare, theprotectedBurrenarea, the famous Aillwee caves and theCliffs ofMoher. We thenheaded toCork.Wedidn’t stay in the IPAHouse, asmy sister lives there, but it isworth noting for other travellers there is aHouseand Cork is a great place to visit.My favourite thing to do inCork is visit theShandonBells at St. Anne’s churchas it has thebest viewover the city. Youareallowed toplay thebells and thereare music sheetswith thebell numbers andpauses outlined. I think I get better every time I visit. Section Irelandhas picked great locations to have their Houses. I would strongly recommend my colleagues inRegionNorthern Irelandand thewider IPA toavail themselves of a very
Enniskillenandover theBorder toSligo. I really knew very littleabout Sligo, choosing to go there just because therewas an IPAHouseand it suitedour plans. TheHouse is anextremelywell situatedapartment along thebankof theRiver Garavogueandonly a fewminutes away on foot from theheart of Sligo. This town isdelightful. Inparticular, we loved the small shopownedbyMQuirkes - awood carver, theOldeWorld sweet shopacross the road, St John’sCathedral and the local court house - which isquitea livingmuseumwith somany original features. Thebuilding is extremelywell maintainedandwe got an impromptu tour by the young caretaker who clearly loves thebuilding and itshistory. At night the town is alivewith traditionalmusic - theatmosphere is electric and so friendly. Onday twoweexplored theSligo countryside, visiting the GlencarWaterfalls and theDrumcliffeGraveyard whereWilliamButler Yeats isburied. It was wonderful to see theareahe sobeautifully wroteabout. We thenheaded to the IPAHouse inGalway City. EnrouteweexploredCountyMayo, visiting the coastal townofWestport, ClewBaywhich in the Easter sunshine lookedout of thisWorld. On arrival inGalway early evening, we foundour way to theHousewith relativeease. It is situated in EyreStreet only a fewminutes away fromEyre Squareand themainpedestrian thoroughfare
West coast scenery
inexpensiveway toexplore theWest Coast. It’s onour doorstepand it is amazing. IPAmembers everywhere should comeonover, theCraic is great! DeirdreMahony , Chair Greater Belfast branch
POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 3, 2014
DuringFebruary, twomembersof theScottish Motorcycle TouringGroup, GrahamFultonand DougieWright, fled the icywastesof aScottish winter and took refuge in sunnier climes. Dougie tells the story. T hismotorcycle tripwas organisedby members of theNewZealand IPA (or IPANZas they like tobe called). Travelling stoppedhalf way to Taumaranui, at ahotel where they take great
delight in stamping pommiepassports onentering the mythical Republic of Whangamomona! Yes, I know– thenames of
the lengthandbreadthof NewZealand, the trip washostedbyNewZealander BruceRevell. Bruce organisedeverythinghimself, accommodation, bikehireandbookedall necessary inter island transfers. Bruce is a real good guywitha superb personality that transformedapotentially good trip intoanabsolute corker! Apart from theexpectedmembers on the trip from NewZealand, wewere joinedbymembers from Canada, SouthAfrica, Germany. This really friendly group, thatmixedeasilywith the locals’ warmand easy goingnature, even includedaMet Cop, Brian Field (anonbiker), who followedusby car. This trip that inone go justified the International title of the IPA! For thosewhohavenever been, NewZealand is anexoticmixtureof a countrywith stunning scenery, varying from sub-antarctic glaciers and penguins in the south, todeserts, geysers and sub tropical temperatures in the very north. Theexoticdoesn’t stop there–whilst travelling a road called the ‘ForgottenWorldHighway’ we
places! Let’sbe fair - we justmade surewe never got lost or had to askdirections or I think wewould still be inNewZealand!
influenced coastal hamlet of Akaroawenever tiredof theparadise that isNewZealand. All too soonof course it had to come toanend and it was time to leave the landof BilboBaggins and the Lordof theRings. One thing is for sure –havinghada tasteof NewZealand, I have to goback! This triphasbecome somethingof an annual event but if youhaveanotion to go, book early! The trip isusually bookedout withinweeks of theprevious year’s tripbeing completed! Thank you IPAandwell doneBruceRevell. DougieWright , Glasgow, LomondandClyde
After a smooth crossingof thenotoriousQueen CharlotteSound, the scenery got evenmore spectacular, and sodid thenames. But at least nowweknewwhatmotorbikesweremade for! Mileaftermileof dreammotorcycle roads, twisting through spectacularmountain scenery, (passing throughplaceswithominousnames suchasDeath’sCorner inArthur’sPass.) With sucha variety of idyllic locations suchas the spa townof Hanmer Springs, the ‘Cardboard Cathedral’ of Christchurchand theFrench
DougieWright andGrahamFultonwithother bikers
POLICEWORLDVol 59No. 3, 2014
POLICING USA STYLE After the successof aprevious visit inSeptember 2012, USARegion56 inWisconsin invited sevenofficers from UKRegion9 togo statesideandexperienceall thingsAmerican. BTPbranchSecretaryGaryWarren, oneof those
lucky seven, takesup the story. A nemail hitmy inbox in January about thepossibility of goingacross to GreenBay,Wisconsin for aweek. I had read, inprevious editions of PoliceWorld, about Hertfordshiremembers going in2012, and the return visit by JohnFlannery last year, so immediately I knew I had to go. Emails immediately startedbeing sent backand forthabout the tripandwhen JohnFlannery sent theplanned itinerary I just couldnot wait to get out there– thiswould indeedbe the tripof a lifetime. JoiningmewouldbeGerryMcDonald, Andy Piper andPhil Rosier fromHertfordshire, Chris Leah from Bedfordshire, Ross Landers from theMetropolitan PoliceServiceandMarkBishop fromBTP. The time finally arrivedand inearlyMaywemade our way across thepond. Wemet our UShosts in the shadowof Lambeau Field, a football stadiumwhich ishomeof the GreenBay Packers, andenjoyedUShospitality. Joe Johnson, Region56President, and JohnFlannery certainly knowhow tomakea good first impression. Our first day startedniceandearlywitha tour of AshwaubenonPublicSafetyDepartment. They are unique in that they provide the functions of policing, medical responseand fire fighting fromone location. All thePublicSafetyOfficers are trained inall three disciplines. The concept washard to imaginebut made somuch senseandall theofficerswe spoke towere soproud tobepart of theDepartment.We took theopportunity to take somephotos in the police vehicles andona fire truckbeforepresenting theChief witha tokenof our appreciation for openinghisDepartment up tous.
the facility. TheOneida tribe is oneof theoldest nativeAmerican tribes in Wisconsinandonly native Americans can serve in theDepartment. It was fascinating to learnabout theway the tribeoperates. After lunch, anda tour of LambeauField, we then paida visit to the ‘Uniform Shoppe’ to lookat some USpoliceuniforms and equipment. Policeofficers in theUSare givenan
Lunchwith theChief of DePerePoliceDepartment thenbeckoned.We then toured the facility and spokewitha fewofficers. Before leaving, to go to the NortheastWisconsin Technical College (NWTC), we thankedChief Biederwieden for hishospitality. TheNWTC college iswhere students enrol on the LawEnforcement programme. Anyonewishing to becomeapoliceofficer needs topass this course with sufficient creditsbefore they canapply toa policedepartment. Weall got very excitedaswewere shown the ‘MILO Range’ training system, locatedat the college, – and given theopportunity to takepart in some scenarios. They evenhadone that tookplaceona train forMarkBishopandme, sowe felt at home. Then the liveaction versionbeganaswewere taken onto the range to shoot somepistols and rifles. Havingnever shot before I was apprehensive, but foundmyself tobequitea good shot.Wewereall taken throughbasic firearmdrillsbeforewe shot fromkneelingand standingpositions.Wewerealso taught how to ‘double-tap’ accurately - which is a shooting techniquewhere twowell-aimed shots are firedat the same target with very little time in between shots. After suchanactionpacked first day, Gerry McDonaldand I went toNWTCearly thenext morning to takepart inaQ&A sessionwith some of Joe’s students. Thequestionswerewell thought out and the students seemed genuine in their enthusiasm to get anunderstandingof how things aredone in theUK. We thenheadedout toOneidapolicedepartment, wherewemet upwith theother UKofficers, to tour
allowance topurchasekit and theUniformShoppe is theplace to go. It was anamazingplacewith lots of cool gadgets. That eveningwewere invited todinner at Donna Gilson’shouse. Donnahas anamazing collection of policememorabilia. Shemade themost amazing foodand therewas plenty of it. I thoughtMark Bishopwas going toexplodewhen theChocolate Éclair cake cameout. Wewerebackat NWTC collegeon theWednesday morning tohavea goon their driving simulators. Theywereextremely interactiveand gaveus the opportunity topracticedrivingon the right side of the road. Then it was off to the local airport to run through some vehicledrills includinghigh risk contacts, slalomdrills and vehiclepursuits. Andy andChris certainly enjoyedputting theDodge Charger through its paces - andRoss showed some rather silky driving skills.Wewere then taken to the On the range
POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 3, 2014
of the local officers took theopportunity to speak tous, exchange contact details and take some photographs. After some socialisingand taking inabaseball game, wehadawalking tour ofMilwaukee, before our final triponSunday. The final day startedearlywitha visit to theUS Coast Guardbase, SturgeonBay FireandPolice Departments and their control centre. Theareawas beautiful, right on LakeMichiganand thepeople were verywelcoming. The swapof the tripdefinitely happenedherewhen theFireChief fromSturgeon Bay swappedhisheadwear for Phil’sbeat helmet. Theywereboth like small childrenat Christmas proudly showingoff their newacquisition. TheUS Coast Guardswerealsohappy to showus around their boats andbase.Weeven took theopportunity to claim the lighthouse for QueenandCountry by flying theUnionFlag from the top–althougha .50 Cal gunwasnearby sowepromptly gave it back! Our final eveningwas spent with JudgeKevin Rathburnandhis family at hismagnificent home.We werewelcomed like family.Wewere treated to some Irishdancingby John’sdaughter and thenwe let our hair down.Wepresentedour hostswith some gifts andalsopresented flowers to thewives of Kevin, Joe and Johnas a thank you to themandalsoas it was MothersDay in theUS. Theday to fly homehadarrivedall too soonandwe wereall disappointed tobe leaving.Wehadbeen treated likekings sincewehadarrivedandhadall had themost amazingexperience. Thepeoplewe met were incredibly hospitable. I’despecially like to thanksDonnaGilson,Michael Albertsonand JudgeKevinRathburn - aswell asNWTC staff and students andall theother PoliceChiefs, FireChiefs andofficers. Youall opened yourselvesup to seven people fromEngland, whoseonly link to youwas beingpart of thepolicing family - and the importance of family is exactlywhat this triphas reinforced. I thankmy family formaking sacrifices so I could take part in this amazing trip - and I thank theFlannery and Johnson families for allowing Johnand Joe the time tobe the great hosts theywere. Lastly, this trip couldnever have takenplace if it wasn’t for the IPAandall that it stands for. GaryWarren , BTPbranchSecretary
handlers anddispatchers. TheCommunicationsCentre is positionedabove theCounty Jail andhas theability tomanagea crisis should it happen. It was amazing to see the differences inworkingpractices and compare similarities. We thenheadedback toNWTC tomeet upwith some studentswhowere going tohelpus put some of our drivingand firearm training intopracticeacting out various scenarios. Thehighlight wasdefinitely seeingGerryMcDonald giving chase to students that hadbailedout of a car and systematically nabbing themoneby one. After shooting (andbeing shot) by the studentswe were then visitedby theGreenBayK-9 sectionwho put onadisplay. Phil, whohas aspirations to join theDogSection, keenly volunteered tobe livebait. Weall watchedas thewell traineddogswereput through their paces and tooka chunkout of ‘bad guy Phil’s’ arm.Wewereall happywhen thebite sleeve held firmandhe came tonoharm–honest! That eveningweheaded toa local bowlingalley for a meet and greet. Therewas anice turnout byNWTC students, staff andalsoofficers from the various departmentswehadmet. It was a great opportunity to thankall thosewhohadalready givenus somuch and I presented Joe Johnsonwithanengraved plaque. Joewas alsopleasedwith theeveningashe managed to signup sevennewRegion56members - “ $25buys you theworld ” is the lineheuses and the newmembers certainly agreed. Thenextmorning sawushead toMadisonCounty to takepart in theWisconsin LawEnforcement Memorial Service. It was amazing to see local people’s reaction to seven ‘BritishBobbies’ walking along the street. The servicewasmovingand remindedus all of the sacrificeofficershavemade whilst doing ‘the Job.’Wewere reminded that those who choose tobepoliceofficersdo so inorder to protect thepublic, uphold the lawand serve the community and that sometimes they don’tmake it home to their lovedones. After the service,many
variousdepartmentswehad first visited to takepart ina ridealong. I was pairedwith JamieZynda from AshwaubenonPublicSafety andwewerebusy from the start witha trip toBrownCounty Jail todropoff a juvenileoffender.We thenhad todashalong the highway tobackup colleagues that weredealingwith a female that hadallegedly takenahighnumber of antihistamine tabletswithalcohol. After a few vehicle stops forminor violations and responding to an intruder alarm theexperiencewas over. It was a great insight intowhat our colleagues across the pondhave todeal withand it surprisedmehow similar our jobs are. I thank JamieZynder, Neil Brownandeveryone fromAshwaubenon for thehospitality they showed bothPhil Rossier andmyself that evening - and the Lieutenant didmake theworld’sbest potato salad! Johnhadarranged for Andy Piper andChris Leah to giveapresentation to interestedparties inANPR technology and itsuse in theUKon Thursday morning. Johnhadbeen impressedby the technology whenhe visited theUKandwas interested to see what others thought. Anumber of peopleattended, includinga local judge, state troopers andmilitary personnel. Thepresentationwaswell receivedand brought about a lot of discussion.Whilst Andy and Chriswere talking ‘traffic’ the rest of the group headed toBrownCounty CommunicationsCentre wherewewere givena tour and spoke to the call
$25buys you theworld “ ”
JohnFlannery andGaryWarren
Hoisting the flag
POLICEWORLD Vol 59No. 3, 2014
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