Police World Edition 3 2014


DuringFebruary, twomembersof theScottish Motorcycle TouringGroup, GrahamFultonand DougieWright, fled the icywastesof aScottish winter and took refuge in sunnier climes. Dougie tells the story. T hismotorcycle tripwas organisedby members of theNewZealand IPA (or IPANZas they like tobe called). Travelling stoppedhalf way to Taumaranui, at ahotel where they take great

delight in stamping pommiepassports onentering the mythical Republic of Whangamomona! Yes, I know– thenames of

the lengthandbreadthof NewZealand, the trip washostedbyNewZealander BruceRevell. Bruce organisedeverythinghimself, accommodation, bikehireandbookedall necessary inter island transfers. Bruce is a real good guywitha superb personality that transformedapotentially good trip intoanabsolute corker! Apart from theexpectedmembers on the trip from NewZealand, wewere joinedbymembers from Canada, SouthAfrica, Germany. This really friendly group, thatmixedeasilywith the locals’ warmand easy goingnature, even includedaMet Cop, Brian Field (anonbiker), who followedusby car. This trip that inone go justified the International title of the IPA! For thosewhohavenever been, NewZealand is anexoticmixtureof a countrywith stunning scenery, varying from sub-antarctic glaciers and penguins in the south, todeserts, geysers and sub tropical temperatures in the very north. Theexoticdoesn’t stop there–whilst travelling a road called the ‘ForgottenWorldHighway’ we

places! Let’sbe fair - we justmade surewe never got lost or had to askdirections or I think wewould still be inNewZealand!

influenced coastal hamlet of Akaroawenever tiredof theparadise that isNewZealand. All too soonof course it had to come toanend and it was time to leave the landof BilboBaggins and the Lordof theRings. One thing is for sure –havinghada tasteof NewZealand, I have to goback! This triphasbecome somethingof an annual event but if youhaveanotion to go, book early! The trip isusually bookedout withinweeks of theprevious year’s tripbeing completed! Thank you IPAandwell doneBruceRevell. DougieWright , Glasgow, LomondandClyde

After a smooth crossingof thenotoriousQueen CharlotteSound, the scenery got evenmore spectacular, and sodid thenames. But at least nowweknewwhatmotorbikesweremade for! Mileaftermileof dreammotorcycle roads, twisting through spectacularmountain scenery, (passing throughplaceswithominousnames suchasDeath’sCorner inArthur’sPass.) With sucha variety of idyllic locations suchas the spa townof Hanmer Springs, the ‘Cardboard Cathedral’ of Christchurchand theFrench

DougieWright andGrahamFultonwithother bikers


POLICEWORLDVol 59No. 3, 2014

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