Police World Edition 3 2015
Professional Development
IBZ Gimborn
Participants at the Islam Seminar, Gimborn May 2015
IBZ Gimborn is one of the Jewels in the IPA’s crown. Sean Hannigan, Vice-President of Section UK, holds the professional portfolio which includes Gimborn and has been associated with this International Seminar Centre since joining the IPA some 17 years ago. Sean gives an overview on what Gimborn has to offer. T he Seminar centre is set in the small German village of Gimborn about an hour away from Cologne. The fantastic setting associated educational places offering such a rich and dynamic experience. There is the opportunity to go on a field trip related to the Seminar. and Islamism, Football Violence, Road Policing, and Protecting the Protector. Details will be released later in the year.
of Gimborn Castle along with its fabulous grounds makes it an ideal location to enable Police Staff and Police Officers from all over the world to come together and enjoy a unique learning experience. Section UK offer support of up to £200 which covers the majority of the participation fee of 285 Euro for UK participants. Visit the IPA website www.ipa-uk.org/Gimborn-About to find information on Seminars and how to claim the £200 and eligibility. Some branches and Regions also offer some help with travel costs to Gimborn. The Seminars are set out so you experience around 7 different speakers from across a wide spectrum of practical, social, academic and policing experiences; the speakers are usually experts in their field. There are few other policing
I would like to thank all those IPA members who suggested topics as well as speakers for the Seminars. If you would like to be considered as a Speaker at Gimborn then why not join the Police Educators Special Interest Group (SIG) www.ipa-uk.org/Section-UK-Police-Educators I am keen to ensure that all IPA members can enjoy Gimborn as participants and speakers. I would also welcome more retired members to Gimborn so that you too can experience what Gimborn has to offer. So what are you all waiting for? Please enjoy Gimborn soon and come back
What makes Gimborn unique is the opportunity to share experiences with colleagues from all over the world and from all levels of the Police Service. Although most learning takes place during the presentations it is over meals that other learning, equally valuable, takes place. The atmosphere in Gimborn is one of the best you could experience as an IPA member. You also get the opportunity to cement friendships made at previous Seminars and make new ones. It is commonplace to develop those friendships and indeed progress them to visits to other countries. Gimborn is planning to offer in 2016 a number of Seminars in English on subjects such as Sexual Violence, Travelling Criminals, Cyber-Crime, Islam
and tell us all what it was like. Sean Hannigan , Vice President
POLICE WORLD Vol 60 No. 3, 2015
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