Police World Edition 3 2015
NCM 2015
National Council Meeting 2015
On Saturday 6 June 2015 Section UK held its National Council Meeting (NCM) at Theobald’s Park Hotel, Cheshunt, Hertfordshire. This was preceded on Friday 5 June when separate meetings for Regional Chairs, Secretaries and Treasurers took place at the same venue. It was a productive weekend, hosted by members of Region 9, giving everyone a chance to contribute to the future wellbeing of our Section. O n Friday afternoon, three separate meetings were convened. President Mick Luke attended the Chairs’ meeting, President’s Address Report of VP Mark Kernohan
Treasurer Fred Boyd with Michele Rai, Business Operations Manager, and I attended the Finance Sub Committee meeting and Vice Presidents Mark Kernohan and Sean Hannigan attended the Administration Sub Committee meeting. Secretary General Dave Taylor had tendered his apologies for the weekend. These meetings are an important part of the process of advancing the business of the Association and allow debate and discussion preceding the main annual NCM Council Meeting. On Saturday, the NCM was well attended with all Regions fully represented. In the absence of the Secretary General, Council agreed to allow Stephen Crockard, Assistant International Secretary General to hold a vote. However it was agreed that he would not be allowed to vote at the elections that were due to take place. Stephen sat alongside our International Guest Willie Maye from Section Ireland. President Mick Luke opened the NCM. A minute’s silence was observed to reflect on those members who are no longer with us. After this it was down to business and debate and to discuss the items on the agenda. Each member of the NEC took to the floor and addressed the Council with their annual reports. They reflected on the past year, gave some updates and put forward their views for the future. President Mick Luke gave an inspirational presentation. While the NCM was underway on Saturday, non- delegates and guests had the opportunity to visit the nearby countryside. Stephen Crockard, Assistant International Secretary General (left) and Willie Maye, Section Ireland
Mick Luke, National President
Mark Kernohan, Vice President
Mick Luke’s address, using film titles as a theme, highlighted his observations on the status of IPA here in the United Kingdom and his vision for the future. Titles included The ‘Good’ ‘Bad’ and ‘Ugly’, The Three Amigos, National Treasure(r), The Lone Ranger, The Firm, Back to the Future, II and III, & Remember the Titans. He shared his concerns that it was good to recruit new members but it was important to retain members too. He concluded by reminding everyone about A VIBRANT IPA. Report of Treasurer Fred Boyd
In addition to the report given, Mark also encouraged members to submit their applications to be involved in International Commissions; reported that as of 1.6.15, 7,533 members were now on email; recommended that we stay with the current website provider and gave an update on the Housing Strategy. Report of VP Ronnie Dukes In addition to my report, I announced details of the national photographic competition with the theme of ‘Iconic United Kingdom; and sought the support of an ‘IPA’s Got Talent’ style event that could be launched. I later mentioned that I was looking at ways to record memories from members that could be recorded for posterity. Report of VP Sean Hannigan
Fred Boyd, National Treasurer
Various points were highlighted from his report. • although there was a slight deficit on the accounts, there was confidence about the future; • interest rates are not as good, but investment opportunities are still being sought; • encouragement for everyone to take part in the National Lottery, so far £1,600 had been given out as prizes; • there was necessary but unexpected repairs required at IPA HQ.
Sean Hannigan, Vice President
In addition to his report, Sean provided additional information about Gimborn, highlighting his concerns regarding the number of participants, despite the generous subsidy that was on offer; talked about budget; made a special thanks to Iain Sirrell ILDEP organiser; and threw down the
POLICE WORLD Vol 60 No. 3, 2015
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