Police World Edition 3 2015
IPA News
Serbia’s 10th Within a year of joining IPA, Susan Wetton, returned from a trip to IPA Section Serbia, following a lucky win in a draw promoted throughout Section UK. Susan Wetton was amongst those applying to attend Section Serbia’s 10th General Assembly. This followed a kind invitation from Belgrade Region. The event was held in Belgrade between 29-31 May, 2015. The hospitality offered to Susan during her stay was second to none and she had the opportunity to network with officers from Sweden, Cyprus, Romania, Serbia, Austria and Switzerland. You can read her full report at: www.ipa-uk.org/News/lucky-winner-returns
Great Moments with Arthur
I had been campaigning for the extension of IPA membership to members of the civilian staff, and this was discussed at some length at the 1995 National Council Meeting. There were many Section UK members still strongly against the principle. Our dear Arthur Troop sat interestedly throughout the discussions, and at a break I took the opportunity to ask him “Arthur, how do you feel about the question of civilian members of staff joining IPA?” His reply, “Michael, the Police Service is changing, and IPA has got to change with it”.
When under discussion at the 2010 National Council Meeting, I was pleased to be able to quote this and feel it convinced many that we were taking the right road forward and helped the vote in favour. Mike Stanbury , South East Essex Branch
After a long search, a home for IPA memorabilia has been found at Chippenham Town Hall. The items were once on display at Salisbury police station, thanks to the efforts of the late Glynn Jones, Chris Dunford and Jack Smith of Wiltshire Branch. Following the closure of the station, inquiries were made to find another suitable home. Thanks to Peter Spencer and other members of the Branch who have secured yet another safe home for storage and display.
Susan with Mhairi, Police Staff member from the welcoming committee
Susan with other guests
Hill-walking NI The beautiful Mountains of Mourne were the perfect setting for a hill walk hosted by Greater Belfast Branch. Visitors from Section Ireland and Region1 enjoyed a wonderful day walking in the hills with local members. The walk was followed by a BBQ in Newcastle, Co Down. £350 was raised for charity on the day and this was split between the National Police Memorial Day and a local charity ‘Brainwave’. There were options of a forest walk, and climbing the highest peak in Northern Ireland - Slieve Donard along with its neighbouring mountain Slieve Commedagh. The scenery was stunning! There was a prize giving at the BBQ with the fastest male and female for the twin peaks walk being Danny Devlin (Section Ireland) and Deirdre Mahony (Greater Belfast Branch) respectively. Carole Spence, Chair, Region 2, presented the prizes.
On the hunt “Q1: What don’t common people have to do when entering Oakham?” and “’Q2: What seasonal children’s game is suggested by the village sign in Barrow?” were just two questions put to members of Leicestershire Branch whilst on a recent Treasure Hunt. Thirty members turned out for the walking and drive Treasure Hunt around England’s smallest county of Rutland. Following a briefing from branch chair, Clive Wood, cars set off in all directions seeking answers to testing clues. Four hours later all teams were accounted for and an excellent carvery lunch was served. First prize with 97 points out of a possible 100 went to John Penlington and Neil Straughan together with their wives. Everyone agreed it had been a fun event.
Danny Devlin, Andy Wright, Niamh Uí Bhuachalla with Slieve Donard in the background
It was a fantastic day and thanks to Mandy Kernohan and Greater Belfast Branch for extending the hand of friendship and hosting a day in the spectacular Mountains and for arranging the weather!” Niamh Uí Bhuachalla, Section Ireland added “What a wonderful day for a ramble up the glen in the Mourne mountains. Thanks to Region 2, Section UK and see you all again soon”. Andy Wright , Central Scotland Branch
Answers: Q1 Present a horseshoe; Q2; Conkers.
POLICE WORLD Vol 60 No. 3, 2015
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