Police World Edition 4, 2013
Po David and Barbara Marchant organised a Caravan and Camping Group Rally invasion of Utah beach and other sites in Normandy, France. David tells of what took place - including a brush with royalty - during the D-Day Celebrations. Surprise Guests in Normandy
T here were gasps of surprise from the 30 plus ralliers - including 1 new member and 2 dogs - when we were graced with an impromptu visit by four members of the Royal Family - including the Queen. I was assured that they enjoyed ‘visiting’ their faithful subjects. The visit coincided with the Diamond Jubilee of the coronation of Queen Elizabeth. We all dressed in Red, White, Blue, (or all three) and many Union Flags were flown. As organisers we had decided that a raffle would be held in aid of the two police convalescent homes at Flint House and in Harrogate. The ralliers donated many prizes, with four mystery prizes purchased by us. Angela Hullah had spent most of the rally knitting a ‘Golfer’. We decided to auction this as it was just too good to be a raffle prize. The auction raised another £40, from a generous member. It had also been planned that ‘Robbie’ Robson, who at 80 was the oldest member there, was going to make a ‘Tandem Parachute’ jump; he had asked that each person sponsor him for £5 to raise even more money for the Homes. Unfortunately, due to high winds this could not happen; he did try again the next day but again it was cancelled. The raffle and auction raised a total of £220. I was able to present both cheques at the group’s AGM at Flint House, which, fortunately, was also attended by the Director of the home in
Harrogate. Many of us went to the main museum at Utah Beach; this was the scene of an official D-day celebration and service, followed by a ‘Round’ parachute jump from an original DC3 aeroplane. There was much
To see more photos from this event visit: www.ipa-uk.org /Surprise-Guests
The Royal visitors
celebration with a marching band, BBQs, and later entertainment with a jazz band. General Patton’s great grand-daughter was there to celebrate, and was handing out CDs of the music to go with next year’s 70th anniversary fireworks. Members of the Normandy branches were invited to our farewell evening and three members attended, including the Presidents of two of the three branches. We exchanged gifts - which included unusual bottles of commemorative IPA wine, and a drink made by one of the group
called 44. The group decided that Barbara and I should have this as a thank you for organising the rally. David Marchant
The Caravan and Camping Group D-day ralliers
Maybe next time Robbie
Vehicles at the D-day celebrations
Police World Vol 58 No.4 2013
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