Police World Edition 4, 2013
Mail Order: To order a polo shirt, hoodie or jacket visit: http://ipauk.stitchandprintstore.co.uk/home For all other items visit: www.ipa-uk.org/Shop - and click the ebay link. Items can be ordered by writing to IPA, BSAC, Arthur Troop House, 1 Fox Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 6AJ with a cheque made payable to ‘IPA’. Payment can also be made via a PAYPAL account.
IPA Section UK Clothing Range is Now Available to Order Section UK have created their own clothing store currently selling polo shirts, hoodies and jackets.
All products are sold with the IPA Section UK logo and can also be personalised. The current product range can be viewed below and will increase in the near future.
Polo Shirt £14 + P&P
Hoodie £21 + P&P
Jacket £44 + P&P
Ladies Polo Shirt £14 + P&P
Colour variations available
2014 Calendar £3 inc P&P
Trolley Coin £1.50 inc P&P
ResQMe £11.50 inc P&P
Bow Tie and Tie £8 and £6 inc P&P
Pennant £8 inc P&P
Cap £5.50 inc P&P
Pen £3.50 for 5 inc P&P
Notepad £1 inc P&P
Lanyard £1.50 inc P&P
Car Sticker £2 inc P&P
Wallet £19 inc P&P
Gift membership
John Smith Thisvoucher entitles theabovenamedperson to free enrolment into the InternationalPoliceAssociation,SectionUK
Service through friendship from
Thisvouchermustbepresentedwitha completedapplication formby1October2012
If you would like to comment about any item or aspect of the IPA Shop please email: mail@ipa-uk.org For detailed product descriptions visit the website or contact BSAC by phone. For overseas orders contact Richard Mattinson direct at ‘Stitch & Print’ on 00 44 16973 43546 or Richard@stitchandprint.biz
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