Something to Shout About National President Mick Luke had an article published in Nottingham Post’s ‘Your Shout’ column during June 2015. In his article, Mick explained how UK police can learn from foreign forces and vice versa.
You can read a full transcript of the article on IPA Web News: http://www.ipa-uk.org/ News/something-to-shout-about
Article published in the Nottingham Post 22 June 2015
10 Region Support for German Colleagues
Chief Constable Mr Peter Vaughan chats to Vice President Sean Hannigan
Mandy and David with Steve (centre) enjoying
IAWP Conference 2015 Section UK was out in force at this year’s conference of the International Association of Women Police which was held in Cardiff. Secretary of Region 4 (Wales), Denis Hunt received a request for assistance with their conference back in 2014 and following a lot of work by IPA members in Wales, supported by Vice President Sean Hannigan, the event passed successfully. The IPA exhibition set up by the IPA attracted a lot of interest and new members to IPA. Left to right - Affiliate Liaison Myra James, Jane Townsley, Past President IAWP, Sean and May-Britt Rinaldo, President IPA Section Sweden
a lighter moment in the Scenes of Crime Department at Colchester Police Station.
M embers from 10 Region continue to support German IPA fully fledged and qualified professionals. Once again, two German officers worked alongside English colleagues for two weeks in various departments to enhance their language and policing skills and give them an insight into policing in a different country; all done with the kind co-operation of Essex Police at Colchester. Whilst 10 Region arranged the accommodation in the area the local police commander Chief Inspector Richard Phillibrown kindly arranged a programme. For 11 days this summer, 10 Region welcomed Brandenburg officers and IPA members David Muelliman and Mandy Bodenbinder to Colchester. It was their first visit to the UK and their nervous anticipation quickly disappeared owing to the warm welcome of all those involved in their stay. During their two weeks they worked within Neighbourhood Policing Teams, a Drug Enforcement Team, Road Policing, Scenes of Crime plus many more. Their weekend off allowed time to visit London for a ‘whistle-stop’ tourist visit. Treated as ‘one of the family’ by their ‘friends of the IPA’ hosts their farewell was very emotional with promises made to stay in touch. Undoubtedly a very successful visit of which the 2016 programme is already being planned. Steve Hunt , Regional Secretary colleagues from Brandenburg, the area surrounding Berlin, with the progression of their ‘probationer’ student police officers into
Denis gives a personal account of IPA’s involvement in a web news article: www.ipa-uk.org/ News/ipa-at-the-iawp- conference-2015
Denis Hunt with IAWP delegates
POLICE WORLD Vol 60 No. 4, 2015
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