IPA News
Know Your Onions Nottinghamshire Branch have enjoyed a series of summer events. Andre Bak (front right) captured the scene during a meal at Nandos
Northamptonshire Branch During the summer, members enjoyed a summer BBQ. They also welcomed new members Marilyn and Fred Oram during a Branch meeting and pub lunch.
A Branch meeting was combined with a BBQ held at IPA HQ in West Bridgford.
The Great Train Robbery
Following an article in Edition 3, 2015 which gave an account of a visit to Thames Valley Police Museum, ‘Police World’ received an inquiry about the accuracy of the information stating the place of the Great Train Robbery. According to the book The Great Train Robbery and the Flying Squad (pictured), the train was stopped at Sears Crossing at Ledburn, near Mentmore in Buckinghamshire. A shortened train was then moved about half a mile to Bridego Railway Bridge, now known as Mentmore Bridge.
From the left - Steve Waldram, Roy and Denise Edwards, Clare Gibson, Simon Ackroyd.
Jenny Alexander and daughters Emily and Molly did a spot of gardening at IPA HQ prior to the BBQ; they made everything look tidy and harvested some vegetables in readiness for the BBQ!
Thanks to Pen and Sword books for supplying copies of the publication so we could find out more information. Two copies are available to the first two IPA members out of the hat. Please email: lib.jones@ipa-uk.org by 26 November 2015. Head your email: ‘Robbery’ and provide details
of your full name, membership number and postal address.
From the left - Emily, Jenny and Molly
POLICE WORLD Vol 60 No. 4, 2015
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