IPA News
Recycling to Raise Funds Members of Section UK Camping and Caravan Group have raised funds for various charities. David Marchant, Treasurer of the Group reports that £226 was raised and shared between the Police Rehabilitation and Treatment Centres in Reading and Harrogate, and a further sum in excess of £400 has been raised for other charities decided by the individual Rally Organiser.
John and Birgit Jensen, Denmark – welcome visitors to IPA HQ in August 2015. John was Secretary General of Section Denmark between 1994 and 2003.
Photo shows David Ball, Chair of the Trustee Board for the Police Rehabilitation Centre, Flint House, – David Marchant, IPA Camping and Caravan Group Treasurer and Patrick Cairns, CEO, Police Treatment Centre, Harrogate
Worth a Try! Region 2 Committee has been testing a new initiative during the latter part of 2015. Regional Secretary Pete Connolly explains, ‘The Committee has chosen to purchase two season tickets for the 2015- 2016 Ulster Rugby domestic season. These are standing tickets for the East Terrace and include pre-season friendly matches, Pro Twelve home matches and European Competition matches.’ All members in Region 2 were invited to take part and it is hoped the competition will provide another member benefit while at the same time help the Region maintain an accurate email address list for all its members. Any Region wanting advice on how the competition is being organised, with a view to their piloting something similar in their Region, can contact Pete on 2region@ipa-uk.org And the Winners Are … Pete Connolly reports that the first two winners were: Andy Coles and John Allenby who were both delighted with this Members’ Benefit. John is a longstanding member who was very pleased to get more involved with IPA activities once again. Andy is a relatively new member, having joined in March 2015. He was delighted to receive this IPA benefit so early in his membership.
Part of the money was raised by Joy Potts, wife of Derbyshire member Roy. She tells Police World, ‘I have done creative beadwork and sold “pre-loved jewellery” for charity at IPA caravan rallies for about seven years and many members have donated their unwanted jewellery. I clean, and if required repair, all items. At almost every rally I attend someone brings a few items; or even carrier bags full. The proceeds are donated to the chosen charity for the rally,
including MacMillan Nurses, Air Ambulance, Help for Heroes, Small Talk, Derby City Hospital etc. Due to people’s generosity I have been able to raise funds for many charities and it has increased each year, last year making over £300 for national and local charities.’ Have some jewellery to donate? Contact Joy via derbyshire@ipa-uk.org or
at one of the C&C Rallies: www.ipa-uk.org/Rally-List
Joy Potts and her re-cycled jewellery
Talking of Recycling Rather than throw away your copy of Police World, when you’ve finished reading it, drop it off at the local police station.
POLICE WORLD Vol 60 No. 4, 2015
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