IPA News
In Memory Norman Smith passed away at the age of 82 in July 2015. Norman was an IPA member for 37 years, Chair of Leicestershire Branch for 12 years, and a founder member of the Camping and Caravan group. He had many IPA friends in the UK, France
Official IPA Emblems Thanks to Tony Woodgate of New Scotland Yard Branch for his suggestion that Police World should include a large version of the IPA emblem in an edition. He suggests IPA members insert a cut out into Tax Disc Holders, now they are no longer required. Jill Flight of Sussex Branch has been in touch over the Esperanto motto which appears on the emblem. She points out the correct spelling of the word Amikeco (not Amiceko) as mistakenly printed in Edition 3 and reminds us of the meaning. ‘Servo per Amikeco’ means ‘Service through Friendship’.
and Germany. Bob Gunnell Leicestershire Branch
There are two official IPA Emblems, protected as Registered Trademarks and we’ve printed them both on the outside back cover.
9 Region regret to report the death of James ‘Jim’ Gatesman after a long illness. Jim was for many years actively involved with ‘S’ Branch of the Met Police, mainly as Treasurer, and then moved on to the Regional Office of Treasurer. He kept good accounts and the Region prospered under his guidance. A regular attender at the National Council meetings with his wife Doreen. Our thoughts are with the family. John Cooper 9 Region
Boats and all that During July, 25 hardy souls from Thames Valley Branch turned out to see the ancient ceremony of Swan Upping at Benson in Oxfordshire. Sadly, whilst the Swan Master and his cohorts tried to find the newest cygnets, they were nowhere to be seen. Despite the disappointment of spectators everyone took it in great spirit and enjoyed the morning meeting up with old colleagues and enjoying tea and cakes. Many thanks to all who attended and despite no ‘upping’ there was plenty of IPA camaraderie. On one of the best days of the summer, 20 members converged on Tooley’s Boatyard - the oldest working inland boatyard in the country. Thanks to Matt we were treated to a private tour of the boatyard which included a visit to the dry dock to see the restoration of a narrow boat and the original forge with a demonstration of the incredible blacksmith’s skills. This was followed by a trip on the boatyard’s own boat The Dancing Duck . John Osborne, Thames Valley Branch
No swans, but could they be flamingos?
Photo shows little marks ‘carved’ by river worms into boat wood, now removed.
Visiting Kraków? Central Scotland Branch member David McGirr is extending the hand of friendship to IPA members visiting Kraków, Poland. Introducing himself via an IPA Facebook Group, David says, ‘Hi everyone. Just joined this FB group so wanted to introduce myself. Retired from Central Scotland Police after 32 years and moved to Kraków, Poland. Had been a regular visitor for 16 years so already felt like ‘home’. Amazing, beautiful city, consistently wins best or favourite destination awards. If anyone is planning a visit to Kraków, please get in touch, would be very happy to meet
Stop Press: IPA was in attendance at the National Police Memorial Day held in Edinburgh on 27 September 2015. Photo shows National President Mick Luke with guest Sébastien Provost, Président IPA Bordeaux More on this event in Edition 1, 2016
for a coffee/beer or simply share some tips.’ Email David direct on david.mcgirr@gmail.com
POLICE WORLD Vol 60 No. 4, 2015
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