Police World The magazine of the International Police Association, Section UK Editorial Lib Jones e-mail: lib.jones@ipa-uk.org Deadline for article submission for Vol. 61 Edition 1, 2016 is 23 November, 2015 . Dispatched January/February 2016.
Vol 60 No.4 2015 Features 4–5 Working on Your Behalf News from the National Executive 6 Visual Fanfare Leicestershire Branch’s Presentation, plus other news 7 IPA Members Bowled Over It was a great day for T20 cricket winners 8–9 Professional Development Gimborn and ILDEP news 10–13 Across the Globe Members giving and receiving international friendship 14 National Golf Tournament 15 IPA House Feature Near St Andrews, Scotland 16–17 Motoring On News from Section UK’s Motorcycle Group News 18–24 National News A round up of the news from Section UK 25 More Ways Than One Jim Nisbet explains why Friendship Weeks deserve their name 26 – 27 International Youth Gathering Three youngsters from Section UK tell their story
Advertising Michele Rai tel: (+44) 115 981 3638 e-mail: michele.rai@ipa-uk.org
General enquiries IPA HQ - Section UK, 1 Fox Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham. NG2 6AJ tel: (+44) 0115 981 3638 e-mail: mail@ipa-uk.org Printed by Bishops Printers, Walton Road, Portsmouth,
Hampshire PO6 1TR Graphic Design by BDS Publishing Ltd Membership
A guide to Region numbers 1 - (Scotland) Region 2 - (Northern Ireland) Region 3 - (North of England including Isle of Man) Region 4 - (Wales) Region 5 - (Midlands) Region 6 - (Central and West London) Region 7 - (South & Southwest including the Channel Islands) Region 8 - (East Anglia) Region 9 - (Northern Home Counties and North and Northwest London) Region 10 - (Essex and East London) Region 11 - (Southern Home Counties and South London) Region In Section UK, the membership comprises serving and retired Police Officers, Special Constables and members of Police Staff employed by a Chief Constable or other appropriately designated Chief Officer of the Police Service. The Section has a unique mixture of police personnel who are still serving, retired, or in some instances, who have voluntarily resigned from the police service. For details of who can join Section UK, go to www.ipa-uk.org/Join-Us Joining the IPA is FREE* and annual renewal is £28. Visit the website to learn about our promotional offers. To apply either visit www.ipa-uk.org or request an application form from the general enquiries team *terms and conditions apply.
Regulars 28 Competitions
WIN copies of these books published by Pen & Sword and Matador Publications.
29 Classifieds 30–31 Diary dates
Police World is a members’ publication. Every effort is made to ensure accuracy. Furthermore, the views expressed in articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Communications Team. If you have any Comments, please contact: lib.jones@ipa-uk.org How do you rate this edition of Police World? What would you improve? What did we get right? What would you have done differently?
Cover Photo: Phil Barbagello with his winning T20 tickets outside IPA HQ
Send your review to: lib.jones@ipa-uk.org
ISSN No: 0032-261X
POLICE WORLD Vol 60 No. 4, 2015
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