IPA Members Bowled Over By Prize Five members of Section UK won two free tickets to attend Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club for a T20 match earlier in the year. Marilyn McQueen talks about their exciting day. Dessert
B ack in the early spring of 2015 , the IPA MMM (mid monthly memo) contained a short article about entering a draw for tickets to a T20 cricket match. With nothing to lose I put my name in the hat. Those who know me understand that during the summer months my life revolves around cricket in various formats so to see an e mail in my ‘spam’ box entitled T20 draw was not unusual, but when I read the contents I was delighted. It read ‘Congratulations!!!!! 197 people entered the Cricket draw and I am pleased to say your number came out of the draw and you have won two tickets for use at: T20 Cricket at Trent Bridge - West Bridgford, Nottingham. Notts Outlaws and Northants Steelbacks playing on 27 June 2015. Please let me know if you can still avail yourself of these tickets by 25 May 2015. Please provide the name of the person accompanying you. You will then receive full joining instructions and dress code.’ Having replied to the email and, with husband Alan and I deciding to make a weekend of it in Nottingham, we were somewhat surprised on receipt of the joining instructions to see that a hospitality suite was being put at the disposal of the IPA. Our pack contained a car park pass, tickets to the game and a menu. We were also informed that there would be 12 of us in total including the National President Mick Luke. Saturday 27 June 2015 dawned as a beautiful sunny day with the weather forecast looking set to stay sunny and dry. A good start. We made our way to Trent Bridge, stopping to look at the home of the IPA in Fox Road next to the ground. We were shown to the suite and the hospitality began with drinks. We introduced ourselves to our fellow guests who came from Middlesbrough, Southampton, London and Nottingham. With us from Devon several IPA branches were represented. Mick arrived and could not have done more to make us all welcome throughout the day. A sumptuous lunch was served before the first innings. Northampton Steelbacks batted first and made 173 for 5 off of their 20 overs. A good total with some impressive shots being played. For those who have never been to a T20 cricket match, the noise and spectacle is something to behold with music and flames heralding every boundary shot. The atmosphere is terrific. We were served dessert during the interval then watched Notts Outlaws battle their way to scoring
175 for 3 to win the game with only a few balls left to spare. A great game, a great day and the hospitality was outstanding. Mick informed us that this was a member benefit being piloted. All I can say is that it is a brilliant way to experience first class sport. Our thanks go to all who made it a day to remember – Mick Luke, Lib Jones & Mark Kernohan and of course Trent Bridge for providing the package. Marilyn McQueen, Devon Branch THE WINNERS Andre Bak , Nottinghamshire Branch; Michael Fitzgerald , London South Branch; I would just like to convey my thanks and appreciation for an excellent day at Trent Bridge on Saturday. The whole day was amazing, the weather fantastic, lovely to meet colleagues from around the country and the hospitality was second to none. Karen Smith and friend Lesley Conroy. I am sending this to thank you so much for allowing me and my friend Ken Dunn to be part of the Hospitality treat at Nottingham T20 Cricket recently. We had a superb time and managed to stay sober enough to enjoy the cricket, weather and excellent company. What a great idea to put names in a hat. We were very fortunate to Philip Barbagallo , Hampshire Branch; Marilyn MacQueen , Devon Branch; Karen Smith , of York Branch
a view from the rear of the hospitality box
Karen (right) with friend Carmel Callen
Keep in Touch; Stay informed. • Make sure to keep your details up-to-date: visit www.ipa-uk.org/UpdateUserDetails.aspx or contact IPA HQ on 0115 981 3638 • Check your spam and filter settings – allow emails from the ipa@uk.org domain. • Follow the news on www.ipa-uk.org and in the Mid Monthly Memo distributed by email. • Police World is uploaded to Section UK’s website: www.ipa-uk.org/Police-World quarterly. The MMM informs members when the latest edition has been added.
be selected. Phil Barbagallo
POLICE WORLD Vol 60 No. 4, 2015
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