police world Edition 1 2013
IPA News
Change to Office Hours at BSAC
The Staffing Group, chaired by Secretary General, Dave Taylor and including Fred Boyd and Mick Luke recently completed a review of staff hours. The review measured the demands upon staff, including levels of direct contact with members. Both the Staffing Group and staff concluded that a reduction in the hours of operation will not be detrimental to service provision, while realising substantial savings for the Association. A number of staff members had previously sought a reduction in their working hours. Consequently not all staff members will be on duty at any given time. You can of course leave a message or e-mail enquiry for a specific member of staff that will be responded to at the earliest opportunity. Furthermore, NEC members will have access to staff business e-mail during the times that the office is not staffed, and will personally deal with any urgent matters. I am grateful to Michele, Lib, Lee and Jo for their cooperation and join them in assuring you that we are determined that this change will not result in any diminution of the service provided to members. From the start of 2013 the office will be staffed from 9.30am - 4.30pm, Monday to Thursday. The office will be closed Friday to Sunday. We will of course monitor the situation and welcome feedback from members. Tom Crozier , President Fan-tastic! For a long time Section Norway, Østfold branch (south of Oslo), had a visit to Old Trafford, to see a game, at the top of their list of ‘must-do’s’. Geir Larsen, Østfold branch Chair, contacted Section UK and was put in touch with members Neil Baldwin and Ian Prendergast, Rochdale and District branch, Bill Lloyd and David Tetlow, Bolton branch. Geir said, “We arrived in Manchester and met David and Bill next morning outside the police museum in the city centre. Ian conducted an interesting tour. A visit to the local police station outside Old Trafford followed. We also attended the commander’s briefing - which was very interesting. The match was great too! Thanks to our IPA friends in Rochdale and Bolton who are welcome to visit Norway any time.”
Allan Young presents Jimmy Green with his certificate
Jimmy Awarded Honorary Life Membership
3 Region Try Social Format Traditionally 3 Region have held two conferences each year. In 2012 it was felt that there would be a departure from this format, with the first ever Autumn Social Weekend. Blackpool and North Lancashire branch were tasked with developing and hosting this event, which took place 12-14 October 2012. The venue selected was the Dalmeny Hotel, St Annes on the Sea for which 22 rooms were reserved. Several members attending took advantage of the preferential rate and facilities and arrived a day early. The programme consisted of combining a social programme over the weekend with a short format debate timetabled for the executive to bring the members up to date with any recent developments. At the conclusion of the debate it was thought that this new condensed version had been fruitful. The Branch was satisfied with this new style weekend and received some positive comments - which had been what we hoped for. David C Winnard , Chair Blackpool and North Lancashire Branch Jimmy Green is one of the highly esteemed elders in the family that make up Northumbria branch. Over the years Jimmy has had an enormous impact on the smooth running of the branch. During November Jimmy spilt a kettle of boiling water over the bottom of both legs causing severe scalding. To quote him the war dance he performed also managed to scald the soles of his feet! Only Jimmy could laugh about this. He ended up in the serious burns unit at Newcastle’s RVI, where it was also discovered that he had other complications. So, it was with the greatest pleasure that 14 members of the branch, including Jimmy’s daughter, descended on Ward 37 of the RVI to present the award of Honorary Life Membership on behalf of President Tom Crozier. The fantastic Ward Sister had already been contacted and had agreed to let so many of us in. A truly deserving honour for a great friend. Allan Young , Northumbria branch Editors note: At the point of going to press BSAC received the sad news, from Allan Young and Tom Crozier, that Jimmy Green had passed away 17 December, 2012.
Meeting outside the museum - David Tetlow (far right), Bill Lloyd(Centre) and Geir Larson (third from right)
Police World Vol 58 No.1 2013
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