police world Edition 1 2013
International News
Section Israel Produces IPA Stamp The commemoration stamps, seen below, were presented in Israel, during the XXth World Congress, as a unique tribute to the IPA motto Servo per Amikeco. IPA Section Israel say, “Our Section developed this project which hopes to contribute towards building a global chain of peace and a better recognition of the IPA's dedication to it. The stamp marks an important moment in IPA history - as it is the first official IPA stamp produced.” The IPA stamp can be bought by contacting Section Israel: www.ipa-israel.org.il/len/apage/6387.php The IPA stamp is already proving to be a very desirable item. If you have it, keep it! Section Mexico: Recognised After a 30 year struggle, IPA Section Mexico has become a legally recognised entity under Mexican law, allowing them to promote and organise activities openly, without contravening any law in Mexico. Something that had been previously prohibited to them. The President of Section Mexico, Dr. Lic. Humberto García-Gómez, is delighted by the news as he has personally fought for this change. Section Mexico has produced a website and begun a recruitment strategy - as well as the forming of new Regions promotion of the IPA throughout the whole country. Humberto is very optimistic along with the newly elected NEC of IPA Mexico. For more news visit: http://cei.dnsalias.org/principal.aspx Flag image curtersy of http://free-country-flags.com/flag_packs.php
Details of all international events can be found on-line: www.en.ipa-iac.org/online-diary/en_diary-events.htm CANADA Section Canada Region 7 - Montreal will celebrate its 40th Anniversary with a Friendship Week from 9–18 May, 2013. The trip includes: 4 nights in Montréal, 2 nights in Ottawa, 2 nights in Québec City and 1 night in Charlevoix. Event and accommodation packages are available and range from $1300 - $2100. For more details visit: www.ipamontreal.com or contact: info@ipamontreal.com FRANCE Section France are celebrating their 60th Anniversary 10 - 16 September, 2013. The programme includes a trip to the Champagne region, a show at the Moulin Rouge and a cruise on the River Seine. Cost: 950 euros per person. Deadline for registration is 15 February 2013. To view the complete programme and for booking visit: www.ipa- uk.org/Event-Catalog/Event-Catalog/Friendship-Weeks GERMANY Section Germany - 19th International Police March. Section Germany, Verbindungsstelle Waldshut-Tiengen branch, have organised the 19th International Police March on Saturday 4 May, 2013. To include: running, nordic walking and a police family march. Evening entertainment includes a police ball. For more details visit: www.ipa- uk.org/Event-Catalog/Sport or email: markus.schaaf@polizei.bwl.de ICELAND As part of the Section Iceland’s 50th Anniversary Celebrations , a midnight golf tournament has been organised on the 25 June, 2013. The event, which will include three nights’ accommodation and a sightseeing tour, will cost approximately 700 Euros. More information is available on the IPA Iceland website: www.ipa.is ITALY Section Italy - 1st Trophy Città di Andalo International 5 a-side Football Tournament will take place in Andalo – Trentino Alto Adige Region (Northern Italy), from 13 – 16 June 2013. Cost: 130 euro per team. Contact: giosabaipaancona@libero.it / www.ipa-italia.it NETHERLANDS Section Netherlands 60th Anniversary Celebrations Thursday, 23 May to Monday 27 May, 2013. For details and costs visit: www.ipa- nederland.nl/subpage.php?detail=1&rubriek=101089&artikel=4427 or email: secretary@ipa-nederland.nl SPAIN WPIST 2013 Mallorca Football Tournament, supported by IPA Baleares, 9-13 May, 2013. Cost 175 Euro per team. Tournament deadline for registration: March 31, 2013. For more information visit: www.ipa- uk.org/Event-Catalog/Event-Catalog/Sport USA Section USA Region 57 - 9 Day ‘Dixie Fest’ Mississippi River Cruise aboard the American Queen, 15 June, 2013. Prices Start at: $2145 - IPA Special $100 off per cabin. For more information go to: www.ipa- uk.org/Event-Catalog/Event-Catalog/Social Call: 800-578-1479 or visit: www.usarivercruises.com OTHER EVENTS 2013 – 38th International Executive Committee (IEC) Conference – Copenhagen, Denmark – 15–22 September. Cost 950 euros per person. A social programme which will be of interest to members is planned. For more details visit: www.ipa-uk.org/Event-Catalog/IPA- Conferences 2014–39th IEC Conference - Potsdam, (nearest airport is Berlin). A Friendship Week will follow with tours to include Dresden, Weimar, Erfurt and a cruise from a wine town on the Rhine to Cologne and Essen; finally to Hannover before returning to Potsdam. More details to follow. XXI IPA World Congress 2015 - It has already been announced that the Cyprus Section will host the XXI IPA World Congress in Limassol Cyprus from 12 - 18 October, 2015 and it will be followed by a Friendship Week from 18 to 25 October, 2015. For more information visit: www.ipa- uk.org/Event-Catalog/Event-Catalog/IPA-Conferences
New IPA Houses Brazil and Spain Congratulations to Section Brazil on opening its first IPA house! The accommodation comprises 12 bedrooms with 4 beds in each room accommodating 48 people. Visit: http://www.ipaiac.org/houseCountryList.php for more information, booking and details of other IPA houses around the world. Section Spain also has a new house in Sevilla - to find out more visit: www.ipahousesevilla.es/
Section Serbia Appointed Sponsor of Montenegro After an initial meeting in August, IPA Serbia enrolled 52 policemen as foreign associate members from their neighbouring country of Montenegro. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Montenegro is giving its full support to this initiative. The Permanent Executive Bureau (PEB) is pleased to announce that Sponsor Section status has been given to IPA Serbia and wishes them every success with the impressive work they are doing to expand the Association.
Police World Vol 58 No.1 2013
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